
DynamicUI.aspx is a way to display content on a page with the basic netFORUM UI; it accepts four possible query string parameters – HTML, File, Request, URL – and they’re evaluated in this order (i.e. if you pass HTML and File, only the HTML will be used). Each of these can accept additional parameters, also to be included in the query string, which are outlined below. Whenever passing a value that could be confusing to the browser, be sure to URLEncode the value before passing. Also, I’ve capitalized here for ease of reading, but when passing to the page, I suggest passing the parameter in all lower case.


HTML – this simply takes whatever is passed in the query string parameter and displays the HTML in the page. For example, DynamicUI.aspx?html=%3Ctable%3E%3Ctr%3E%3Ctd+class%3DDataFormLabel%3EThis+is+HTML.%3C%2Ftd%3E%3C%2Ftr%3E%3C%2Ftable%3E
(<table><tr><td  class=DataFormLabel>This is HTML.</td></tr></table> URL Encoded)
displays as:


No additional parameters are accepted when using this option.


File – this will take the filename passed in this parameter and try to load up a file in the iWeb\content folder. Additional parameters available are height and width which are intended to control the height and width of the content being displayed. I didn’t notice these actually changing anything. The file being loaded should probably be an HTML file as it uses HTML formatting for display.


Request – This will take a URL value and make a Get request to this URL and display the results on the page. For example, DynamicUI.aspx?request=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com (http://www.google.com URLEncoded) displays as:


Notice that the image doesn’t work, and if you were to try to do a search, it wouldn’t work either. Anything that relies on a relative path won’t work in this scenario. This does not accept any additional parameters.


URL – this will take a URL value and display the page as an iFrame. For example, DynamicUI.aspx?request=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com (http://www.google.com URLEncoded) displays as:


This accepts additional parameters for height and width which are used to set the size of the iFrame. There is another parameter available named scrolling, but that appears to be unused as of now.