Profile Form

A Profile Page is a kind of Form that is used as the default view when navigating to an existing record in netFORUM. Profile Forms have the following characteristics:

  • Read-only. A Profile Page displays information, it is not for entering data.
  • Might contain Child Forms, Tabs, and other Profile Details
  • Might contain Form Links or other hyperlinks for navigation, to launch other windows with processes, and so on.

Profile Forms are used to provide for a rich view of information without launching a user directly into data-entry mode on a page with inputs and Save buttons.

The building blocks of Profile Forms are Profile Details. See that page for more information and links on the various kinds of Profile Details that make up a Profile Form.

Profile Form Diagram

The nearby image illustrates how various Toolkit components compose a profile form.

  • The red box illustrates that the overall profile form is itself a Form.
  • The green box depicts the detail form, which is a Profile Detail of the form type; this is a designed form. Technically, this is usually a different form from the profile form itself.
  • The blue box is a profile detail of the tab type. The actual tabs are setup in the tab area of the form setup page in the Toolkit.
  • The orange box shows Child Forms, which are configured as profile details.

Next, here is the corresponding Toolkit metadata, color-coded to align with the same-colored elements in the picture above. Note that the detail form (named Individual Detail - (NF2) and circled in green in the nearby image) is a totally different form from the profile form itself. This detail form appears in netFORUM only as a detail form nested within the overall profile form.


There are three main uses of Profile Forms:

  • Profile Forms such as Individual Profile, Batch Profile, Invoice Profile, etc.
  • Overview pages for each netFORUM module. An overview page can contain Profile Details with Dashboards, forms, list controls and other profile detail content types.
  • Setup pages for each netFORUM module to manage look up tables, for example Customer Setup. These are usually pages that contain "content types" for Form, as well as ListControl (iWeb) and HTML