Control Style

The Control Style property of a Form Control sets the cascading stylesheet class of the control.

netFORUM's base stylesheet contains 100+ classes that are used in various scenarios. The CSS classes are documented throughout the documentation on this wiki where they apply to a specific case study or scenario.

The control style of a control is closely linked to the Control Class; certain Control Classes (DropDownList, TextBox, etc.) have specific control styles associated with them, and in many cases certain control classes will have a default control style. Some combinations of Control Class and Control Style may not be compatible.

The Control Class and Control Style settings for a Form Control, as shown on the Form Designer page in the Toolkit

Class List


To allow a field to exist on a form but not be displayed:

  1. Select control style = DataFormNoDisplay.
  2. Check the Invisible checkbox.

This is different than just marking a field as invisible. When you only check the Invisible checkbox, the field never renders.

Usage: If you need to have a value on the form that gets used or stored in the database, it cannot be in a field that is invisible. Instead it needs to be stored in a field that is not displayed which is accomplished with the above technique.


Data fields in the right column are styled with the DataFormCaptionTD CSS class so that the numbers align on the right. The controls must also be right-aligned on the Form Designer.

This CSS class is used for captions that need to be right-aligned for optimal viewing, such as dates, currency, numbers.

See Also