ac batch x fw group

Important! This table is deprecated. fw_group_security replaces its use within the netFORUM security framework.

Database Table

Name ac_batch_x_fw_group
Prefix bgr
Group Item Batch Group Access
Initial Build 2006.02


This table stores Batch Group Access records. Security group assigned to batches determine which users have the ability to add transactions to those batches. Only users who belong to a security group assigned to a batch can access that batch. Users not belonging to a security group associated with the batch will not be able to view or access the batch.


Name Description Datatype Notes
bgr_key Primary Key av_key  
bgr_grp_code Group Name nvarchar(50) Group Code
bgr_bat_code Batch Name nvarchar(60) Batch code.
bgr_add_date Add Date av_date  
bgr_add_user Add User av_user  
bgr_change_user Change User av_user  
bgr_change_date Change Date av_date  
bgr_delete_flag Delete Flag av_delete_flag  
bgr_entity_key Entity Key av_key  

Parent Tables

Parent Table Parent Key Child Key Join
ac_batch bat_code bgr_bat_code bgr_bat_code = bat_code
fw_group grp_code bgr_grp_code bgr_grp_code = grp_code