md dynamic form child x group

Database Table

Name md_dynamic_form_child_x_group
Prefix cgx
Group Item Child Form Security
Initial Build 2006.02


This table stores Child Form Group Permissions data. Child Form Group Permissions allow you to remove function links (add, edit, goto, delete) from a Child Form or hide the Child Form from a specified netFORUM security Group.


Name Description Datatype Notes
cgx_key Unique Key av_key  
cgx_grp_code Group Code nvarchar(50) FK to Group
cgx_dyc_key Child Form av_key FK to Child Form
cgx_invisible Invisible? av_flag  
cgx_no_add No Add? av_flag  
cgx_no_edit No Edit? av_flag  
cgx_no_delete No Delete? av_flag  
cgx_no_goto No Goto? av_flag  
cgx_add_user Add User av_user  
cgx_add_date Add Date av_date  
cgx_change_user Change User av_user  
cgx_change_date Change Date av_date  
cgx_delete_flag Delete Flag av_delete_flag  
cgx_entity_key Entity Key av_key  

Parent Tables

Parent Table Parent Key Child Key Join
md_dynamic_form_child dyc_key cgx_dyc_key cgx_dyc_key = dyc_key
fw_group grp_code cgx_grp_code cgx_grp_code = grp_code