md dynamic profile detail

Database Table

Name md_dynamic_profile_detail
Prefix dpd
Group Item Dynamic Profile Detail
Initial Build 2006.02


This table stores Profile Detail data. Many Content Types can be placed on a Profile Form by using Profile Detail.

Content Types include other Forms, Child forms, HTML, IFrames, TabStrips for Tabs, Alternate Profile Forms, and .NET web controls.


Name Description Datatype Notes
dpd_key Primary Key av_key  
dpd_dyn_key Dynamic Form Key av_key  
dpd_type Content Type nvarchar(20)  
dpd_row Layout Row av_integer  
dpd_col Layout Column av_integer  
dpd_col_order Column Order av_integer  
dpd_rowspan Rowspan av_integer  
dpd_colspan Colspan av_integer  
dpd_content_form_key Content Form av_key  
dpd_content_form_lookup_column Form Lookup Column nvarchar(128)  
dpd_dyp_key Panel av_key  
dpd_content_path Content Path av_url  
dpd_content_file Content File Name nvarchar(50)  
dpd_content_param Content Url Parameters av_url  
dpd_content Content Text av_text  
dpd_content_width Frame Width av_integer  
dpd_content_height Frame Height av_integer  
dpd_dyc_key Child Form av_key  
dpd_rpt_key Report av_key Added in 2009.01.
dpd_sql_visible Visible SQL av_text  
dpd_gal_key   av_key  
dpd_title Title nvarchar(128)  
dpd_description Description nvarchar(128)  
dpd_add_user Add User av_user  
dpd_add_date Add Date av_date  
dpd_change_date Change Date av_date  
dpd_change_user Change User av_user  
dpd_delete_flag Delete Flag av_delete_flag  
dpd_entity_key Entity Key av_key  
dpd_no_display_flag No  Display av_flag  

Parent Tables

Parent Table Parent Key Child Key Join
md_dynamic_form_child dyc_key dpd_dyc_key dpd_dyc_key = dyc_key
md_dynamic_form dyn_key dpd_dyn_key dpd_dyn_key = dyn_key