md page access

Database Table

Name md_page_access
Prefix mpa
Group Item Page Access
Initial Build 2006.02


md_page_access is a metadata table. It logs every page hit in eWeb and iWeb. This is useful for seeing page usage patterns.


Name Description Datatype Notes
mpa_key Page Access Key av_key  
mpa_user_name User Name av_user The user code. For eWeb, will be "web:Anonymous" or ""
mpa_app_server Application Server Name nvarchar(100)  
map_app_path Application Path nvarchar(200) Will be /eweb or /iweb.
mpa_url Page Accessed nvarchar(400)  
mpa_user_email E-Mail Address av_email  
mpa_host_name Host Name nvarchar(80) The IP address of the user's workstation.
mpa_host_address Host Address nvarchar(20)  
mpa_local_address local address nvarchar(20)  
mpa_user_agent Client Agent nvarchar(400) Information about user's browser.
mpa_query_string Query String nvarchar(400)  
mpa_cgi_key Item Key av_key  
mpa_cgl_key Link Key av_key  
mpa_dyn_key Form Key av_key  
mpa_rpt_key Report Key av_key  
mpa_current_key Current Key av_key  
mpa_web_key Web Site av_key  
mpa_wbc_key Web Page av_key  
mpa_acd_key Call To Action av_key  
mpa_load_time Null av_decimal4   Amount of time that it takes for the page to load.
mpa_add_date Add Date av_date  
mpa_add_user Add User av_user  
mpa_change_date Change Date av_date  
mpa_change_user Change User av_user  
mpa_delete_flag Delete Flag av_delete_flag  
mpa_entity_key Entity Key av_key  

Parent Tables

Parent Table Parent Key Child Key Join
cm_group_item_link cgl_key mpa_cgl_key mpa_cgl_key = cgl_key