Examples of netFORUM Objects and their Data Objects

Dynamic Facade Object

GiftHistory is a Dynamic Facade Object. The values for assembly and type name are Data and Avectra.netForum.Data.DynamicFacade respectively. The Gift History (np_gift_history) table is the primary Data Object. The prefix is ghy. Constituent and Customer tables are secondary Data Objects.

When the framework uses the Gift History Object, the Gift History, Constituent, and Customer Data Objects are initialized by their definitions in the metadata.

Static Facade Object

Events is a Static Facade Object. The values for assembly and type name are ev_events and Avectra.netForum.Components.EV.ev_event respectively. The Data Objects for the Events Object are Event, Product, Event Fee, Price, Price Attribute, Event Location, and source code, but they are not defined in metadata. Because the Object prefix is evt, you can tell that the Event (ev_event) table is the database table most closely associated with the Object.

When the framework uses the Events Object, it will initialize all of its Data Objects by using programming code instead of metadata.

Note: The List of the Data Objects for the Events Object was obtained by using the List Object Controls Action Item on the Object Profile page.