Profile Tab Child Form

profile tabs - If this form is a Profile page, then these are the tabs that will display on the Profile page and contain child forms. See About Profile Tabs for more information.

The child forms that are contained on a tab are profile tab child forms, and grandchild forms for this form.

  • Click the grandchild form button to list the child forms that are contained on the profile tab.
  • Add a child form to a profile tab by clicking on the [add child form] grandchild form link.

The [child form name] child form is located on the [link to profile page]. It is also grandchild form on the [link to profile page].

About the Child Form

The [child form name] child form [what it does] See [link to main topic for the child form] for more information.

Data Columns

The [child form name] child form displays the following data columns:

Column Description

Child Form Buttons

Use the following buttons to work with child forms.

expand/close: Click this button to display the child forms.

new window: Click this button to display the child forms in a new window.

add: Click this button to add a new record to the child form.

grandchild form: Click this button to expand or close a grandchild form and to access [name of grandchild form link] for the child form. A yellow folder indicates that grandchild forms exist for the child form. A gray folder indicates that there are no grandchild forms for the child form.
edit: Click this button to edit a record on the child form.

delete: Click this button to delete a record on the child form .

Important! If the DeleteMethod system option is set to hard, then the record will be removed from the database.

goto: Click this button to open a record's profile page.
more info: Click this button to see more details about a record on the child form.
linked headings: Click on a data column heading to sort the records.