Setting MetaData Flags for SQL Parameterization

There is a system option, EnableSQLStatementParams, to enable or disable SQL Parameterization for the specified query-type families, or areas. For introductory information about SQL Parameterization, see the About SQL Parameterization topic.

If you want more pin-pointed control, you can also enable or disable SQL Parameterization for a targeted metadata query (such as a child form). The following process allows you to override the overall area setting in EnableSQLStatementParams, but only for your chosen metadata query. Use the following process to target a particular query that is causing trouble for the SQL Parameter handling, instead of using the EnableSQLStatementParams system option to disable parameterization for all queries in this area.

Caution! Use metadata flags only in extraordinary circumstances, when the behavior controlled by the EnableSQLStatementParams system option is problematic for a specific query defined in metadata.


You must be a database administrator to perform this task, because you will be modifying to database directly.

Override the system option EnableSQLStatementParams for one chosen metadata query by doing the following:

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio, or another application that enables you to create SQL queries.
  2. Create an update SQL statement for the specific metadata query.

    Example: update md_dynamic_form_child set dyc_queryparam_flag = 0 where dyc_description = 'Batch -> Payments -> Invoices'

  3. Change the %_queryparam_flag for the column to one of the following settings:
    Flag ValueLabelDescription
    nullinherit Follow the EnableSQLStatementParams system option setting for all queries associated with this child form.
    0disable Do not parameterize any of the queries for this child form.
    1enableParameterize all of the queries associated with this child form.
  4. Run the update.