Organization Info (eWeb)

The Organization Info section in eWeb enables authorized users to view and (potentially) edit information about their primary organization.

The Organization Information page will display basic information about the user's primary organization.

This information includes:

  • Organization Information (Name)
  • Primary Address
  • Contact Information
  • Organization Roster


View/Edit Organization Information

To access the Organization Information section of eWeb, users must have the appropriate rights assigned and must be logged in.

Clicking the Organization Info link will launch the Organization Information page.

The view organization page pictured above shows the primary information about the organization.

A logged-in user is able to view/edit only their primary organization when the following conditions are met:

  • The Individual Organization Relationship is primary and active.
  • The Relationship Type is configured to allow for organization area access flag (to view) and organization area access edit flag (to view and edit).

If these conditions are not met then the link to the section will not appear.

Being a primary contact of an organization does not in and of itself grant this access. The Individual must have a relationship as described above.

Those users with edit rights will have the ability to edit the following:

  • organization name and sort name
  • organization type, acronym, tax id, tax exempt
  • Primary address
  • Primary contact (from a drop-down list of existing active employees)
  • primary phone, fax, email, url

To edit the organization information, click the Edit link next to the Organization Information heading.

This will open the Organization Information page up for editing.

After making the desired changes, click the Save button to have them saved to the Organization Information page on eWeb.

Rights to Multiple Organizations

It may be possible that a user will have view/edit rights to multiple organizations.

Users that have rights to view/edit rights to multiple organizations will have an option at the top of the Organization Information page that will allow them to choose which organization to view/edit.

Clicking the Here link will launch the Organization page that will allow you to select the organization you wish to view/edit.

Clicking the name of the desired organization will launch the Organization Information page for that organization.

View/Edit Organization Roster

In addition to the basic information about the organization, the Organization Information page also displays the current Organization Roster.

Users with the appropriate relationship to the organization can edit the information for members as well as edit or end their relationship to the organization.

In addition, users with the appropriate relationship to the organization can add new individuals to the organization roster from this page by clicking the Add link.

This will launch the Add Individual to Roster (eWeb) form where information about the new individual can be entered and saved.

Clicking the Save button will add the new individual to the roster and take the user back to the Organization Information page. The roster will refresh and the new individual will be visible.

Customization potential

The organization info page could be customized to include links to other organization-oriented pages that could be accessed by authorized users.

The edit page could be cloned and customized to show various demographics.

Related Functionality

Several updates on this page are part of the TradeOrg functionality feature of netFORUM. Other TradeOrg topics include:

  • My Organization Transactions
  • New Visitor Email Entry and Verification
  • My Registration Profile
  • Changing the "Shopping For" Value

Technical Information

These pages are in a 2-page Web section in the eWeb Web Site called Organization Info. There is Visibility SQL on the section that checks the co_relationship_type checkboxes. The part that forces only the primary organization to appear is the "org_cst_key" Parsed Value that will be set to the individual's primary organization's Customer Key when user logs in.