
Initial Build



Web Method

Response Type

XML results

Use this method to obtain the query definition used to produce a specific Audience record. See also, GetAudienceDefinition.


The request contains the following parameters:

Name Type Occurs Description
qrh_key key 1..1

Query header key. A unique key that represents the audience query. A key can be obtained by using the GetAudienceList web method.


The request returns a list of all audience records in the system. Each record is delineated by a the Result element and a count of the included records is displayed at the top of the results.

Name Description Type Notes
Results Container for the list of results XML element Includes the record return field that indicates the total number of audience records returned from the system.

Container for a single audience record

qrh_key Query header key. A unique key that represents the audience query. key  
qrh_description The audience query description. string

This field appears in the Load an Existing Audience list on the Audience page.

Sample Request

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="">











Sample Response

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">


<AuthorizationToken xmlns="">





<GetAudienceListResponse xmlns="">


<Results recordReturn="3">







<qrh_description>Issue 11477</qrh_description>




<qrh_description>11159 Test Runtime Param</qrh_description>









