
Initial Build



Web Method

Response Type

Object List

This method returns a list of the netFORUM facade objects in the system. This list displays the objects that come bundled with the netFORUM application and also any client-created objects.

Object Name Property

The <obj_name> property in the response should be used as the szObjectName parameter in many other web methods. The <obj_description> is a "friendly" name that provides more information about the object.

Here is what the object looks like in the response of this web method, looking at Subscription in particular:


If you want to call GetQuery or GetFacadeXMLSchema or other web methods for the Subscription object, then use ProductSubscription for the szObjectName parameter; do not use Subscription. If you were to pass Subscription, then you will get unpredictable errors because netFORUM will not be able to find this object.

You will find cases where the <obj_name> and <obj_description> are identical, and some in which they are the same but the obj_name removes spaces, and some which have totally different words; see below for a few more examples in no particular order. Unfortunately there is not always consistency. Bottom line, be sure to use <obj_name>.

<obj_name>Abstract Reviewer</obj_name>
<obj_description>Abstract Reviewer</obj_description>
<obj_description>Subscription Fulfillment Batch</obj_description>

Sample Request

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" 
<m:AuthorizationToken xmlns:m="">
<m:GetFacadeObjectList xmlns:m=""/>

Sample Response

Note: This response is shortened for brevity.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:wsa="" xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:wsu="">
<AuthorizationToken xmlns="">
<wsu:Timestamp wsu:Id="Timestamp-ab2b6895-2e0e-4a3f-b2ca-d85e58717f0d">
<GetFacadeObjectListResponse xmlns="">
<ObjectObjects xsi:schemaLocation=" Object.xsd" recordReturn="684">
<obj_description>Abstract Author</obj_description>
<obj_name>Abstract Author</obj_name>
<obj_description>Abstract Category</obj_description>
<obj_description>Abstract Reviewer</obj_description>
<obj_name>Abstract Reviewer</obj_name>
<obj_description>Abstract Reviewer Response</obj_description>
<obj_name>Abstract Reviewer Response</obj_name>
<obj_description>Abstract Reviewer Submission</obj_description>
<obj_description>Abstract Status</obj_description>
<obj_description>Abstract Submission</obj_description>
<obj_name>Abstract Submission</obj_name>
<obj_description>Accounting Period</obj_description>