
Initial Build



Web Method

Response Type

XML Results

This method returns a list of the event Registration Fees for a particular event for which the provided registrant is eligible.

When a staff user sets up the Registration Fees in iWeb in the Event setup, ensure that any registration fees you want on xWeb are enabled to show online. Fees that aren't marked to show online will not be available for xWeb; xWeb filters Registrant Fees similarly to eWeb.

See XWeb Event Registration for a complete walk-through of how to create an Event Registration in xWeb.


The Request contains the following parameters:

Name Type Occurs Description
oRegistration EventsRegistrantType 0(R)..1 The Registrant Object of the Registrant. This object will be the return of WEBCentralizedShoppingCartEventRegistrantGetNew or WEBCentralizedShoppingCartEventRegistrantGet.
oCOE CentralizedOrderEntryType 0(R)..1 The cart containing other items the individual is planning to purchase. Specifically, if there any memberships in this cart, those memberships may affect the fees the individual is eligible for if the customer is not currently a member.

What drives the selection of fees is the EventsRegistrantType that you pass in the oRegistration parameter (in addition to any membership(s) that might be in the cart). The specific fields in that object that help filter the eligible fees are:

  1. reg_cst_key - The Customer Key of the registrant. In practice, many events have a member and non-member fee, and the customer's membership could filter fees accordingly.
  2. reg_evt_key - The Event Key.
  3. reg_rgt_key - The Registrant Type. Registrant Types for a particular event are provided by the WEBCentralizedShoppingCartGetEventRegistrantTypeListByEvent method.
  4. reg_src_key - The Key of the Source Code, if any.


XML Results—This method returns a list of the fees, including the fee name, the fee key, and the fee amount, and other information.

You'll need the value of prc_Key later on to set the prc_key property of a Fee object.

The following fields are contained in the Response:

Name Description Datatype Notes  
prd_key Product Key string (in guid syntax)
Product Product Name string
prd_short_description Short Description string
prc_Key Price Key string (in guid syntax)
prc_display_name Price Display Name string
ptp_key Product Type Key string Product Type key.
ptp_online_code Product Type Online Display Code string
pat_prc_key Price Attribute Price Key string
Currency Currency string See Multi-Currency.
Price Price string The price ("250", "99.99", etc.). Note that if the price is a whole number, the response may not include a decimal point or additional zeros. Take this into account if performing calculations or displaying the price.
prc_available Price available bit
prc_membertypeapplies Member Type Applies to Price bit
prc_status Price Status string
MemberType Member Type string A single, or a list, of Member Types that are eligible for this price. Will be [Any] if the price is eligible to any member type.</MemberType>
Category Category string
cur_key Currency Key string (in guid syntax) Currency key; related to the Currency value.

Sample Request

Parts of the request are omitted for brevity:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ns="http://www.avectra.com/2005/">
<ns:oRegistration xmlns="http://www.avectra.com/2005/">
<reg_adr_country>UNITED STATES</reg_adr_country>
<!-- The rest of the Registrant object's Data Objects are omitted for brevity -->
<ns:oCOE xmlns="http://www.avectra.com/2005/">
<!-- The rest of the Invoice elements are omitted for brevity -->
<!-- The rest of the Invoices object's Data Objects are omitted for brevity -->

Sample Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<Results recordReturn="2" xmlns="http://www.avectra.com/2005/">
<Product>2010 Annual Conference</Product>
<prd_short_description />
<prc_display_name>2010 Annual Conference</prc_display_name>
<ptp_online_code>Upcoming Events</ptp_online_code>
<Currency />
<prc_status />
<Category />
<cur_key />
<Product>2010 Annual Conference org</Product>
<prd_short_description />
<prc_display_name>2010 Annual Conference org</prc_display_name>
<ptp_online_code>Upcoming Events</ptp_online_code>
<Currency />
<prc_status />
<Category />
<cur_key />


Not Getting Any Fees

If you're not seeing any fees, it probably relates to the Registration Fee setup in iWeb. For a Fee to appear in this method, the following conditions must be met:

  • The Fee must be marked to show online.
  • If there are dates on the Fees, the date range must be inclusive of the system date.

Fault in Method Parameter

If you get an exception like this, it is likely that you haven't set the namespace properly. See XWeb Namespace for more information.

<Message>Fault in method parameter.</Message>
<MessageDetail>Error converting data type varchar to uniqueidentifier.</MessageDetail>
at Avectra.netForum.xWeb.FacadeData.DataSetToXmlFacadeNode(OleDbDataReader oDR, DataSet inputDS, String szObjectName, String szQueryString, FacadeClass oParentFacade, String WithDescriptions, XmlDocument xElements)
at Avectra.netForum.xWeb.FacadeData.GetQueryNode(String szObjectName, String szColumnList, String szWhereClause, String szOrderBy, Int32 nRecordReturnLimit, DataSet inputDS)
at Avectra.netForum.xWeb.xWebSecure.netForumXMLSecure.WEBCentralizedShoppingCartGetEventFees(Registration oRegistration, OrderEntry oCOE)
<SQLCommand>dbo.ev_registrant_select_event_fees @cst_key='',@fee_evt_key='',@pat_rgt_key=null,@pat_src_key=null,@reg_date='9/19/2011',@eweb=1,@num_registrants=1</SQLCommand>