
Initial Build



Web Method

Response Type

XML results

This method returns a list of the session fees for which the specified registrant is eligible.

See XWeb Event Registration for a complete walk-through of how to create an Event Registration in xWeb.


The Request contains the following parameters:

Name Description Datatype Notes 
oRegistration EventsRegistrantType 0(R)..1 This is the registrant for which the list of sessions fees should be provided.
oCOE CentralizedOrderEntryType 0(R)..1 This is the shopping cart which can include other items the individual is planning to purchase.

These parameters are assembled from calling other methods previously. To get a Registrant Object, call WEBCentralizedShoppingCartEventRegistrantGetNew or WEBCentralizedShoppingCartEventRegistrantGet. For the Shopping Cart Object, a new cart is created with WEBCentralizedShoppingCartGetNew, or use the already-existing cart.


XML Results—A list of the session fees that the individual can select from. This list will be filtered based on the registrant's attributes and if the provided shopping cart includes any membership items, those will be considered when determining the prices available. The list will include the fee name, fee key, and fee cost, among other values. The ses_key element in the response is the primary key of a Session and can be used as a parameter to add a Session Registration in other methods.

The prc_Key property will be used later to set a value in a Fee Collection.

Name Description Datatype Notes 
prd_key Product Key string (guid syntax)
Product Product string
prd_short_description Short Description string
prc_Key Price Key string This property will be used later to set a value in a Fee.
prc_display_name Price Display Name string
ptp_key Product Type Key string (in guid syntax)
ptp_online_code Product Type Online Display Code string
Price Price string The Price (eg "25", "99.99", etc.). For whole number prices, the value might be returned without a decimal point and additional zeroes, so be sure properly convert this value to a true decimal type if needed and to format accordingly.
prc_available Available bit If available then 1, else 0.
prc_membertypeapplies Member Type Applies bit 1 or 0.
prc_status Price Status string
pat_prc_key Price Attribute Price Key string (in guid syntax)
ses_key Session Key string (in guid syntax) The primary key of a Session and can be used as a parameter to add a Session Registration in other methods.
ses_ticketed Ticketed bit If 1, then this is a ticketed session; else 0.
Capacity Capacity Count string The session's overall capacity.
_available Number Available string The number of tickets still available, if applicable.
_reserved Reserved string
_ticketed Ticketed string
_returned Returned string
Available Available string
ses_wait_list_flag Session has a wait list bit 1 if has wait list, else 0.
ses_starts Start Date Time string Session Start Date and Time in DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS format.
ses_ends Session End Date Time string Session Start Date and Time in DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS format.
Starts Start string
Ends Ends string
Comments Comments string
ses_registration_required Registration Fee is Required bit 1 if fee is required; 0 if not required.
Currency Currency string See Multi-Currency.
cur_key Currency Key string (in guid syntax)
ses_code Session Code string

Sample Request


Sample Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<Results recordReturn="1" xmlns="http://www.avectra.com/2005/">
<prd_short_description />
<ptp_online_code>Event Sessions</ptp_online_code>
<prc_status />
<Capacity />
<_available />
<_reserved />
<_ticketed />
<_returned />
<Available />
<ses_starts>1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM</ses_starts>
<ses_ends>1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM</ses_ends>
<Starts />
<Ends />
<Currency />
<cur_key />