
Initial Build



Web Method

Response Type


This method is used to add and remove line items for a Fundraising Gift. This method should be called prior to adding the Gift object to Centralized Order Entry. If fees need to be added or removed after the Gift has been added to the cart, use WEBCentralizedShoppingCartGiftFundraisingSetLineItemsWithCart

In most cases, the donor will enter their donation amount, although he or she may be prompted by suggested amounts ($25, $50, $100, $250, etc.). If the amount the donor wants to give differs from the default amount, then your application needs to set this amount in the overrideamount property in the Fee of the FeeCollection that you pass as a parameter in this method.


  • oFundraisingGift (Gift Object). The gift object for the gift being given.
  • oFeeCollection (FeeCollection). The fees to be added/removed for this gift.


Gift (Gift Object). The provided gift object with the invoice details collection updated to match the fee collection. New invoice details will be created for fees to add and existing invoice details will be removed for fees to remove.

Sample Request


Sample Response