xWeb Method Documentation

Each of the netFORUM web methods has a single page explaining the method. The format of the topics is described in the following table.

Sections are only included in a topic if they contain content. Some methods are described in less detail than others.

If you need more information on a particular method, please contact us.

Section Heading Description
Title (Method Name) The title of the topic is the name of the method. This section also contains a table with summary information about the method (for example, initial build, deprecated build, and return data type), and an overview that describes the method and how it is used.
Parameters Explanation of parameter(s) (if any) in the request, including the name, type, whether it is required or not (minOccurs and maxOccurs) and a description.
Return Description of the Type of the return. For methods that return a list of data in XML Results format, each field is documented.

Where a method might have exceptions, they are explained in this section.

Sample Request

A sample XML request. In some cases, the request is edited for brevity.

Sample Response A sample XML response. In some cases, the response is edited for brevity.
Related Web Methods Closely related web methods are referenced in this section.
Related Functionality

Links to other pages explaining the underlying functionality in greater detail. Typically these are links to pages of end-user documentation on a feature. If you are the integrator, you don't necessarily need to understand all of the deeper functionality to use a web method, but there are times that having this information is helpful for context.


Q. Why do so many web methods have a name that begins with WEB and others do not?

A. The WEB prefix was a naming convention used when developing many methods that were geared toward a website that members access (eWeb). These methods are focused around member self-service (adding or editing contact information) and eCommerce. These methods can, of course, be used for applications that are not built around web sites.