Address Object

The Address Object, based on the CustomerAddressType complex type (see Schema below) contains information about a Customer's Address. The Address Object type is used in several xWeb web methods.

The Address Object contains data from the following tables:

  • co_address
  • co_customer_x_address
  • co_customer
  • co_individual
  • co_organization
  • co_chapter
  • co_address_change_log
  • co_country
  • co_individual_x_organization

Only the Address_XRef and Address nodes are writeable; the other nodes are read-only and contain other information about the Address.


When passing an Address Object as a parameter to xWeb web methods, be sure to set the namespace properly.

Important! Parameters that fail to specify proper namespaces will not be interpreted correctly and will result in method faults. See Formatting_Requests_with_Namespace for more.


  • CurrentKey (guid). The primary key of the Customer Address to update. Must correspond to an existing cxa_key. Required for updates.


cxa_adt_key (guid). Address Type key. Use WEBAddressGetTypes to get a list of available values.



<CurrentKey />
<cxa_cst_key />
<cxa_adr_key />
<cxa_add_date />
<cxa_add_user />
<cxa_change_date />
<cxa_change_user />
<cxa_delete_flag />
<cxa_key />
<cxa_key_ext />
<cxa_on_hold_flag />
<cxa_adh_key />
<cxa_adt_key />
<cxa_seasonal_from_date />
<cxa_mailing_label />
<cxa_seasonal_through_date />
<cxa_entity_key />
<cxa_mail_stop />
<cxa_mailing_label_html />
<cxa_on_hold_from />
<cxa_on_hold_through />
<cxa_primary />
<cxa_owner />
<cxa_billing />
<cxa_create_change_log />
<cst_key />
<cst_type />
<cst_name_cp />
<cst_sort_name_dn />
<cst_ind_full_name_dn />
<cst_org_name_dn />
<cst_ixo_title_dn />
<cst_pref_comm_meth />
<cst_bio />
<cst_add_date />
<cst_add_user />
<cst_change_date />
<cst_change_user />
<cst_delete_flag />
<cst_recno />
<cst_id />
<cst_key_ext />
<cst_email_text_only />
<cst_credit_limit />
<cst_src_key />
<cst_src_code />
<cst_tax_exempt_flag />
<cst_tax_id />
<cst_cxa_key />
<cst_no_email_flag />
<cst_cxa_billing_key />
<cst_eml_address_dn />
<cst_eml_key />
<cst_no_phone_flag />
<cst_phn_number_complete_dn />
<cst_cph_key />
<cst_no_fax_flag />
<cst_fax_number_complete_dn />
<cst_cfx_key />
<cst_ixo_key />
<cst_no_web_flag />
<cst_oldid />
<cst_member_flag />
<cst_url_code_dn />
<cst_parent_cst_key />
<cst_url_key />
<cst_no_msg_flag />
<cst_msg_handle_dn />
<cst_web_login />
<cst_web_password />
<cst_entity_key />
<cst_msg_key />
<cst_no_mail_flag />
<cst_web_start_date />
<cst_web_end_date />
<cst_web_force_password_change />
<cst_web_login_disabled_flag />
<cst_comment />
<cst_credit_hold_flag />
<cst_credit_hold_reason />
<cst_web_forgot_password_status />
<cst_old_cxa_key />
<cst_last_email_date />
<cst_no_publish_flag />
<cst_sin_key />
<cst_ttl_key />
<cst_jfn_key />
<cst_cur_key />
<cst_attribute_1 />
<cst_attribute_2 />
<cst_twitter_username />
<cst_score />
<cst_salutation_1 />
<cst_salutation_2 />
<cst_salutation_3 />
<cst_salutation_4 />
<cst_default_recognize_as />
<ind_cst_key />
<ind_prf_code />
<ind_first_name />
<ind_mid_name />
<ind_last_name />
<ind_sfx_code />
<ind_designation />
<ind_dob />
<ind_gender />
<ind_full_name_cp />
<ind_salutation_cp />
<ind_cst_key_ext />
<ind_ssn />
<ind_spouse_name />
<ind_age_cp />
<ind_salary />
<ind_ethnicity />
<ind_badge_name />
<ind_license_number />
<ind_entered_field_date />
<ind_num_years_in_field_cp />
<ind_grad_date />
<ind_political_party />
<ind_deceased_flag />
<ind_int_code />
<ind_ixo_key />
<ind_marital_status />
<ind_add_date />
<ind_add_user />
<ind_entity_key />
<ind_change_date />
<ind_cst_passcode_ext />
<ind_change_user />
<ind_sample_multi />
<ind_delete_flag />
<ind_maiden_name />
<ind_progress_ext />
<ind_popup />
<org_cst_key />
<org_name />
<org_ogt_code />
<org_cst_key_ext />
<org_acronym />
<org_ind_cst_key />
<org_num_employee />
<org_annual_sales />
<org_annual_revenue />
<org_dnb_number />
<org_date_founded />
<org_num_years_in_business_cp />
<org_state_incorporated />
<org_num_location />
<org_annual_budget />
<org_ownership_type />
<org_popup />
<org_add_date />
<org_entity_key />
<org_nonprofit_flag />
<org_add_user />
<org_change_date />
<org_change_user />
<org_delete_flag />
<chp_cst_key />
<chp_name />
<chp_website />
<chp_add_user />
<chp_add_date />
<chp_change_user />
<chp_change_date />
<chp_charter_date />
<chp_delete_flag />
<chp_cst_key_ext />
<chp_description />
<chp_terminate_date />
<chp_ind_cst_key />
<chp_asn_key />
<chp_code />
<chp_entity_key />
<chp_chapter_number />
<chp_html_description />
<chp_cht_key />
<chp_chs_key />
<adr_key />
<adr_cst_key_owner />
<adr_line1 />
<adr_line2 />
<adr_line3 />
<adr_city />
<adr_state />
<adr_post_code />
<adr_city_state_code />
<adr_country />
<adr_intl_province />
<adr_county />
<adr_cong_dist />
<adr_state_house />
<adr_state_senate />
<adr_latitude />
<adr_longitude />
<adr_mailing_label />
<adr_mailing_label_html />
<adr_add_date />
<adr_add_user />
<adr_change_date />
<adr_change_user />
<adr_delete_flag />
<adr_key_ext />
<adr_bad_address_flag />
<adr_adb_key />
<adr_entity_key />
<adr_metro_stat_area />
<adr_carrier_route />
<adr_delivery_point_code />
<adr_lacs />
<adr_time_zone />
<adr_urbanization />
<adr_bar_code />
<adr_fips />
<adr_no_validation_flag />
<acl_key />
<acl_adr_key />
<acl_adn_key />
<acl_src_key />
<acl_add_user />
<acl_add_date />
<acl_change_user />
<acl_mailing_label />
<acl_key_ext />
<acl_change_date />
<acl_mailing_label_html />
<acl_delete_flag />
<acl_new_mailing_label />
<acl_new_mailing_label_html />
<acl_entity_key />
<acl_cst_key />
<cty_code />
<cty_add_date />
<cty_add_user />
<cty_change_date />
<cty_change_user />
<cty_delete_flag />
<cty_key />
<cty_key_ext />
<cty_entity_key />
<cty_long_name />
<cty_fips_code />
<cty_sovereignty />
<cty_status />
<cty_capital />
<cty_idd_code />
<cty_rgn_key />
<cty_srg_key />
<cty_postal_input_mask />
<cty_phone_input_mask />
<cty_currency_code />
<cty_currency_code_description />
<cty_vat_flag />
<cty_iso_2 />
<cty_iso_3 />
<cty_do_not_ship />
<cty_iso_number />
<cty_bpa_region />
<cty_do_not_sell />
<cty_dyn_key />
<cty_dyn_key_2 />
<ixo_key />
<ixo_rlt_code />
<ixo_title />
<ixo_start_date />
<ixo_end_date />
<ixo_ind_cst_key />
<ixo_org_cst_key />
<ixo_add_date />
<ixo_add_user />
<ixo_change_date />
<ixo_change_user />
<ixo_delete_flag />
<ixo_key_ext />
<ixo_cst_key_owner />
<ixo_entity_key />


Here is the Schema for CustomerAddressType:

<s:complexType name="CustomerAddressType">
<s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="CurrentKey" nillable="true" type="tns:av_key_Type">
<s:documentation>Unique Key.The current key is the record key for the object. This field must be set whenever updating an existing database record.</s:documentation>
<s:element name="Address_XRef" type="tns:IndividualAddress_Address_XRef_DataObjectType"/>
<s:element name="Customer" type="tns:IndividualAddress_Customer_DataObjectType"/>
<s:element name="Individual" type="tns:IndividualAddress_Individual_DataObjectType"/>
<s:element name="Organization" type="tns:IndividualAddress_Organization_DataObjectType"/>
<s:element name="Chapter" type="tns:IndividualAddress_Chapter_DataObjectType"/>
<s:element name="Address" type="tns:IndividualAddress_Address_DataObjectType"/>
<s:element name="Address_Change_Log" type="tns:IndividualAddress_Address_Change_Log_DataObjectType"/>
<s:element name="Country" type="tns:IndividualAddress_Country_DataObjectType"/>
<s:element name="Primary_Affiliation" type="tns:IndividualAddress_Primary_Affiliation_DataObjectType"/>


Sample Address Object containing data:

<cxa_mailing_label>TestAdv 7901 Jones Branch Dr McLean, VA 22102</cxa_mailing_label>
<cxa_mailing_label_html>TestAdv&lt;br>7901 Jones Branch Dr&lt;br>McLean, VA 22102</cxa_mailing_label_html>
<adr_line1>7901 Jones Branch Dr</adr_line1>
<adr_city_state_code>McLean, VA 22102</adr_city_state_code>
<adr_country>UNITED STATES</adr_country>
<cty_code>UNITED STATES</cty_code>
<cty_long_name>United States of America</cty_long_name>
<cty_capital>Washington, DC</cty_capital>
<cty_currency_code_description>U.S. Dollar</cty_currency_code_description>
<cty_bpa_region>NORTH AMERICA</cty_bpa_region>