Shopping Cart Object

The Shopping Cart Object object is used for all sales made via xWeb. This is the CentralizedOrderEntryType complex type in the Schema. This object is based on the Avectra.netForum.Components.OE.OrderEntry class in netFORUM.

To get a new Shopping Cart object to begin an eCommerce transaction, start by calling WEBCentralizedShoppingCartGetNew. When the order is complete and it's time to pay, use WEBCentralizedShoppingCartInsert to add the invoice and payment (if applicable) into netFORUM.

In the netFORUM object model, a Shopping Cart Object is an overall order that can contain multiple line item details (a book, a membership, a registration, three DVDs, tax line items, shipping line items, and so on). These entities are expressed in the Invoice and Invoice_DetailCollection. Ultimately, you apply a single consolidated payment for all the items in the Cart.

For most ordinary orders, a single customer is the bill-to, ship-to and sell-to customer and the bill-to and ship-to addresses are the same.

But if you need to get more complicated, a Cart has an overall sold-to customer, a different overall bill-to customer (for example, an employee can bill an order to his or her employer) and a bill-to address. The Cart can have a default ship-to address, but really each line item has its own ship-to address; you can update all the line item ship-to addresses by setting the default ship-to address for the Cart. Each line item can have a different sell-to and ship-to customer from the main order.

For example, Bob might be the sell-to customer, he'll bill it to his company, and ship one item to Mary at a different address, and ship a different item to Karen at yet another address.


See WEBCentralizedShoppingCartRefresh for additional tips and case studies about updating selected properties of the Shopping Cart Object locally and what you need to do to make them take effect.


The OrderEntry class contains a Data Class called Invoice which contains properties for columns in the ac_invoice table as well as other virtual fields. In xWeb, this is represented by the <Invoice> node.

Key properties:

  • inv_cxa_key (string). This field will set the billing address for the invoice. It must contain a key of a customer address of the bill-to customer represented by inv_cst_billing_key. In xWeb, you can get a list of a customer's addresses with the WEBAddressGetAddressesByCustomer web method.
  • inv_cst_billing_key (string). The bill-to customer key. In many cases, this value could default to the customer key of an individual's primary organization/employer. This could, in turn, drive the values in the Billing_Address and Billing_Adr objects. If you want the order to be billed to the individual, then update this field to be that of the individual's own customer key and later call WEBCentralizedShoppingCartRefresh.
  • inv_autoapply (bit). Set to 1 if are doing a full payment and want to apply the payment to all the line items automatically. If you don't want to apply a payment, set to 0 or do not pass a value.
  • inv_autoapplypayment (bit). Set to 1 if are doing a full payment and want to apply the payment to all the line items automatically. If you don't want to apply a payment, set to 0.
  • inv_send_email_confirmation (bit). Set to 1 in order to have xWeb send an email confirmation of the order. Note that for some cases, such as an event registration, the event must have a correspondence template for confirmations specified in the event setup.
  • inv_bat_key (guid). netFORUM will ignore what you set for this property and instead select a batch automatically as described in Selecting a Batch.


The InvoiceDetail object contained in the root (not the be confused with the InvoiceDetailStatic) is used in xWeb to assist with setting the shipping address of an order. If you need to change the shipping address for items in the order, see Update Shipping Address.

Default Shipping Address

Contains information about the default ship-to address as defined by InvoiceDetail.ivd_cxa_key.


The Shopping Cart Object object will eventually contain a collection of any number of InvoiceDetailType Objects. When accessed from the Shopping Cart Object these are read-only. To add new Line Items, see WEBCentralizedShoppingCartAddLineItem. To update them, see InvoiceDetailType.


Contained within the Invoice_DetailCollection.

Key fields of InvoiceDetailType:

  • ivd_cst_key (string). The Customer Key of the sell-to customer for the particular line item. This cst_key can potentially be different than that of the overall order in inv_cst_key.
  • ivd_cst_ship_key (string). Ship-to customer key.
  • ivd_cxa_key (string). The ship to address for the line item. The value of this field must point to an address of the ship-to customer.

If you need to change the Ship-To Address of an order or for a particular line item, see Update Shipping Address.


In xWeb, this is a read-only node that derives from the value set in <Invoice><inv_cxa_key>. See Update Billing Address for tips on updating this address.


In xWeb, this is a read-only node the derives from the particular address in <Billing_Address><cxa_key>.


In xWeb, this is a read-only node that derives from the bill-to customer as set in the <Invoice><inv_cst_billing_key> property.


When passing a Shopping Cart Object as a parameter to xWeb web methods, be sure to set the namespace properly.

Important! Parameters that fail to specify proper namespaces will not be interpreted correctly and will result in method faults.


Sample XML:

<CurrentKey />
<inv_key />
<inv_proforma />
<inv_code />
<inv_trx_date />
<inv_cst_key />
<inv_add_user />
<inv_add_date />
<inv_change_user />
<inv_change_date />
<inv_code_count />
<inv_code_cp />
<inv_delete_flag />
<inv_key_ext />
<inv_ait_key />
<inv_print_count />
<inv_print_date />
<inv_print_user />
<inv_src_key />
<inv_med_key />
<inv_post_flag />
<inv_notes_internal />
<inv_bat_key />
<inv_notes_external />
<inv_ship_on_date />
<inv_ship_priority />
<inv_po_number />
<inv_orig_trans_type />
<inv_fax_confirm_sent_flag />
<inv_email_confirm_sent_flag />
<inv_cxa_key />
<inv_cph_key />
<inv_cfx_key />
<inv_eml_key />
<inv_pref_comm_meth />
<inv_billing_pref_comm_meth />
<inv_close_flag />
<inv_bat_close_flag />
<inv_entity_key />
<inv_col_key />
<inv_cst_billing_key />
<inv_ind_cst_billing_key />
<inv_ord_key />
<inv_tracking_number />
<inv_group_flag />
<inv_group_description />
<inv_cur_key />
<inv_AutoRefund />
<inv_send_email_confirmation />
<inv_send_fax_confirmation />
<inv_adjustment_reason />
<inv_available_installment_milestone_schedules />
<inv_collection_status />
<inv_cty_code />
<inv_first_intallment_amount />
<inv_installment_milestone_schedule />
<inv_mbr_mbt_keys />
<inv_NewBatch_key />
<inv_email_bcc />
<inv_total />
<inv_amount />
<inv_balance />
<inv_convertedamount />
<inv_nettotal />
<inv_netpayment />
<inv_netbalance />
<inv_netcredit />
<inv_netunpaidbalance />
<inv_netwriteoff />
<inv_netreturn />
<inv_netapplied />
<inv_select_all />
<inv_details_html />
<inv_details_text />
<inv_details_with_customer_html />
<inv_autoapply />
<inv_autoapplypayment />
<inv_installment_flag />
<inv_coe_flag />
<inv_shippable_total />
<inv_shippable_items_flag />
<inv_invoice_detail_count />
<inv_bill_me />
<inv_HasNewLineItems />
<inv_HasOldLineItems />
<inv_total_weight />
<inv_discount />
<inv_shipping />
<inv_tax />
<inv_prd_keys />
<inv_currency_readonly />
<inv_cur_exchange_rate />
<inv_allow_installment />
<ivd_key />
<ivd_inv_key />
<ivd_price />
<ivd_qty />
<ivd_approve_date />
<ivd_approve_user />
<ivd_void_date />
<ivd_void_user />
<ivd_ajd_key />
<ivd_add_user />
<ivd_add_date />
<ivd_backorder_flag />
<ivd_change_user />
<ivd_change_date />
<ivd_inventory_held_qty />
<ivd_delete_flag />
<ivd_ship_qty />
<ivd_ship_flag_cp />
<ivd_key_ext />
<ivd_close_flag />
<ivd_approve_flag />
<ivd_void_flag />
<ivd_prc_key />
<ivd_prc_prd_key />
<ivd_amount_cp />
<ivd_parity />
<ivd_parity_amount_cp />
<ivd_gla_dr_key />
<ivd_gla_cr_key />
<ivd_notes />
<ivd_cst_ship_key />
<ivd_prc_prd_ptp_key />
<ivd_cxa_key />
<ivd_src_key />
<ivd_type />
<ivd_entity_key />
<ivd_ivw_key />
<ivd_odd_key />
<ivd_do_not_fulfill />
<ivd_pak_prd_key />
<ivd_ods_key />
<ivd_cst_key />
<ivd_account_number />
<ivd_ovr_key />
<ivd_price_override_reason />
<ivd_pjt_key />
<ivd_backorder_email_sent_flag />
<ivd_process_qty />
<ivd_bun_prd_key />
<cld_key />
<cld_add_user />
<cld_add_date />
<cld_change_user />
<cld_change_date />
<cld_delete_flag />
<cld_key_ext />
<cld_sfl_key />
<cld_ful_key />
<cld_ivd_key />
<cld_cxa_key />
<cld_inv_code />
<cld_qty />
<cld_ship_qty />
<cld_ship_date />
<cld_reshipped />
<cld_entity_key />
<cld_claim_date />
<cld_cst_key />
<cld_notes />
<cld_ivw_key />
<cld_claim_reason />
<cld_claim_status />
<cld_email_sent />
<cld_sui_prd_key />
<cld_number />
<cld_process_qty />
<cld_process_date />
<cxs__cxa_cst_key />
<cxs__cxa_adr_key />
<cxs__cxa_add_date />
<cxs__cxa_add_user />
<cxs__cxa_change_date />
<cxs__cxa_change_user />
<cxs__cxa_delete_flag />
<cxs__cxa_key />
<cxs__cxa_key_ext />
<cxs__cxa_on_hold_flag />
<cxs__cxa_adh_key />
<cxs__cxa_adt_key />
<cxs__cxa_seasonal_from_date />
<cxs__cxa_mailing_label />
<cxs__cxa_seasonal_through_date />
<cxs__cxa_entity_key />
<cxs__cxa_mail_stop />
<cxs__cxa_mailing_label_html />
<cxs__cxa_on_hold_from />
<cxs__cxa_on_hold_through />
<pay_key />
<pay_code />
<pay_trx_date />
<pay_cst_key />
<pay_add_user />
<pay_add_date />
<pay_change_user />
<pay_change_date />
<pay_delete_flag />
<pay_src_key />
<pay_key_ext />
<pay_med_key />
<pay_post_flag />
<pay_bat_close_flag />
<pay_bat_key />
<pay_notes />
<pay_entity_key />
<pay_cur_key />
<pay_pin_key />
<pay_send_email_confirmation />
<pin_key />
<pin_cst_key />
<pin_apm_key />
<pin_cc_number />
<pin_cc_number_display />
<pin_cc_expire />
<pin_cc_cardholder_name />
<pin_cc_auth />
<pin_cc_security_code />
<pin_check_number />
<pin_eft_routing_number />
<pin_eft_account_number />
<pin_other_ref_number />
<pin_add_user />
<pin_add_date />
<pin_change_user />
<pin_change_date />
<pin_delete_flag />
<pin_check_amount />
<pin_key_ext />
<pin_entity_key />
<pin_merchant_option />
<pin_enc_version />
<pin_cc_preauth_flag />
<pin_preauth_pin_key />
<pin_street />
<pin_city />
<pin_state />
<pin_zip />
<pin_email />
<pin_DL />
<pin_name_on_check />
<pin_eft_account_type />
<pin_eft_account_number_display />
<pin_other_preauth_ref_number />
<pin_cty_iso_number />
<pin_SS />
<pin_tax_amt />
<apm_key />
<apm_atc_key />
<apm_type />
<apm_method />
<apm_add_user />
<apm_add_date />
<apm_change_date />
<apm_change_user />
<apm_delete_flag />
<apm_gla_key />
<apm_entity_key />
<apm_key_ext />
<apm_iweb_flag />
<apm_eweb_flag />
<apm_merchant_option />
<apm_batch_suffix />
<apm_currency_code />
<apm_csc_flag />
<cst_key />
<cst_type />
<cst_name_cp />
<cst_sort_name_dn />
<cst_ind_full_name_dn />
<cst_org_name_dn />
<cst_ixo_title_dn />
<cst_pref_comm_meth />
<cst_bio />
<cst_add_date />
<cst_add_user />
<cst_change_date />
<cst_change_user />
<cst_delete_flag />
<cst_recno />
<cst_id />
<cst_key_ext />
<cst_email_text_only />
<cst_credit_limit />
<cst_src_code />
<cst_tax_exempt_flag />
<cst_tax_id />
<cst_cxa_key />
<cst_no_email_flag />
<cst_cxa_billing_key />
<cst_eml_address_dn />
<cst_eml_key />
<cst_no_phone_flag />
<cst_phn_number_complete_dn />
<cst_cph_key />
<cst_no_fax_flag />
<cst_fax_number_complete_dn />
<cst_cfx_key />
<cst_ixo_key />
<cst_no_web_flag />
<cst_oldid />
<cst_member_flag />
<cst_url_code_dn />
<cst_parent_cst_key />
<cst_url_key />
<cst_no_msg_flag />
<cst_msg_handle_dn />
<cst_web_login />
<cst_web_password />
<cst_entity_key />
<cst_msg_key />
<cst_no_mail_flag />
<cst_web_start_date />
<cst_web_end_date />
<cst_web_force_password_change />
<cst_web_login_disabled_flag />
<cst_comment />
<cst_credit_hold_flag />
<cst_credit_hold_reason />
<cst_web_forgot_password_status />
<cst_old_cxa_key />
<cst_last_email_date />
<cst_no_publish_flag />
<cst_sin_key />
<cst_ttl_key />
<cst_jfn_key />
<cst_cur_key />
<cst_attribute_1 />
<cst_attribute_2 />
<cst_credit_available />
<cxa_cst_key />
<cxa_adr_key />
<cxa_add_date />
<cxa_add_user />
<cxa_change_date />
<cxa_change_user />
<cxa_delete_flag />
<cxa_key />
<cxa_key_ext />
<cxa_on_hold_flag />
<cxa_adh_key />
<cxa_adt_key />
<cxa_seasonal_from_date />
<cxa_mailing_label />
<cxa_seasonal_through_date />
<cxa_entity_key />
<cxa_mail_stop />
<cxa_mailing_label_html />
<cxa_on_hold_from />
<cxa_on_hold_through />
<adr_key />
<adr_cst_key_owner />
<adr_line1 />
<adr_line2 />
<adr_line3 />
<adr_city />
<adr_state />
<adr_post_code />
<adr_city_state_code />
<adr_country />
<adr_intl_province />
<adr_county />
<adr_cong_dist />
<adr_state_house />
<adr_state_senate />
<adr_latitude />
<adr_longitude />
<adr_mailing_label />
<adr_mailing_label_html />
<adr_add_date />
<adr_add_user />
<adr_change_date />
<adr_change_user />
<adr_delete_flag />
<adr_key_ext />
<adr_bad_address_flag />
<adr_adb_key />
<adr_entity_key />
<adr_metro_stat_area />
<adr_carrier_route />
<adr_delivery_point_code />
<adr_lacs />
<adr_time_zone />
<adr_urbanization />
<adr_bar_code />
<adr_fips />
<adr_no_validation_flag />
<prc_key />
<prc_prd_key />
<prc_price />
<prc_add_user />
<prc_add_date />
<prc_change_user />
<prc_change_date />
<prc_delete_flag />
<prc_key_ext />
<prc_gla_ar_key />
<prc_gla_revenue_key />
<prc_gla_liability_key />
<prc_gla_return_key />
<prc_gla_writeoff_key />
<prc_start_date />
<prc_end_date />
<prc_ptr_key />
<prc_num_issues />
<prc_prd_ptp_key />
<prc_percent />
<prc_percent_cp />
<prc_prd_atc_key />
<prc_code />
<prc_display_name />
<prc_sell_online />
<prc_gla_deferred_key />
<prc_deferred_flag />
<prc_mail />
<prc_email />
<prc_fax />
<prc_thumbnail />
<prc_online_abstract />
<prc_entity_key />
<prc_qty_min />
<prc_qty_max />
<prc_recognize_after_date />
<prc_account_split_flag />
<prc_prorate_flag />
<prc_prorate_first_year_flag />
<prc_web />
<prc_microfiche />
<prc_revenue_recog_frequency />
<prc_allow_installment />
<prc_pjt_key />
<prc_shippable_flag />
<prc_eweb_code />
<prc_weight_min />
<prc_weight_max />
<prc_recognize_by_issue_flag />
<prc_num_grace_issues />
<prc_back_issue_flag />
<prc_renew_unpaid_orders_flag />
<prc_allow_unpaid_orders_flag />
<prc_deferral_num_years />
<prc_cur_key />
<prc_award_credit_flag />
<prc_deferral_num_issues />
<bat_key />
<bat_code />
<bat_date />
<bat_control_total />
<bat_control_trx_count />
<bat_post_date />
<bat_post_user />
<bat_post_flag />
<bat_export_date />
<bat_export_user />
<bat_export_flag />
<bat_add_user />
<bat_add_date />
<bat_change_user />
<bat_change_date />
<bat_delete_flag />
<bat_key_ext />
<bat_apm_key />
<bat_atc_key />
<bat_arp_key />
<bat_close_user />
<bat_close_date />
<bat_close_flag />
<bat_notes />
<bat_file />
<bat_entity_key />
<bat_intercompany_flag />
<bat_file2 />
<bat_file3 />
<bcs__cst_key />
<bcs__cst_type />
<bcs__cst_name_cp />
<bcs__cst_sort_name_dn />
<bcs__cst_ind_full_name_dn />
<bcs__cst_org_name_dn />
<bcs__cst_ixo_title_dn />
<bcs__cst_pref_comm_meth />
<bcs__cst_bio />
<bcs__cst_add_date />
<bcs__cst_add_user />
<bcs__cst_change_date />
<bcs__cst_change_user />
<bcs__cst_delete_flag />
<bcs__cst_recno />
<bcs__cst_id />
<bcs__cst_key_ext />
<bcs__cst_email_text_only />
<bcs__cst_credit_limit />
<bcs__cst_src_code />
<bcs__cst_tax_exempt_flag />
<bcs__cst_tax_id />
<bcs__cst_cxa_key />
<bcs__cst_no_email_flag />
<bcs__cst_cxa_billing_key />
<bcs__cst_eml_address_dn />
<bcs__cst_eml_key />
<bcs__cst_no_phone_flag />
<bcs__cst_phn_number_complete_dn />
<bcs__cst_cph_key />
<bcs__cst_no_fax_flag />
<bcs__cst_fax_number_complete_dn />
<bcs__cst_cfx_key />
<bcs__cst_ixo_key />
<bcs__cst_no_web_flag />
<bcs__cst_oldid />
<bcs__cst_member_flag />
<bcs__cst_url_code_dn />
<bcs__cst_parent_cst_key />
<bcs__cst_url_key />
<bcs__cst_no_msg_flag />
<bcs__cst_msg_handle_dn />
<bcs__cst_web_login />
<bcs__cst_web_password />
<bcs__cst_entity_key />
<bcs__cst_msg_key />
<bcs__cst_no_mail_flag />
<bcs__cst_web_start_date />
<bcs__cst_web_end_date />
<bcs__cst_web_force_password_change />
<bcs__cst_web_login_disabled_flag />
<bcs__cst_comment />
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<bcs__cst_credit_hold_reason />
<bcs__cst_web_forgot_password_status />
<bcs__cst_old_cxa_key />
<bcs__cst_last_email_date />
<bcs__cst_no_publish_flag />
<bcs__cst_sin_key />
<bcs__cst_ttl_key />
<bcs__cst_jfn_key />
<bcs__cst_cur_key />
<bcs__cst_attribute_1 />
<bcs__cst_attribute_2 />
<bco__cst_key />
<bco__cst_type />
<bco__cst_name_cp />
<bco__cst_sort_name_dn />
<bco__cst_ind_full_name_dn />
<bco__cst_org_name_dn />gt;
<bco__cst_ixo_title_dn />
<bco__cst_pref_comm_meth />
<bco__cst_bio />
<bco__cst_add_date />
<bco__cst_add_user />
<bco__cst_change_date />
<bco__cst_change_user />
<bco__cst_delete_flag />
<bco__cst_recno />
<bco__cst_id />
<bco__cst_key_ext />
<bco__cst_email_text_only />
<bco__cst_credit_limit />
<bco__cst_src_code />
<bco__cst_tax_exempt_flag />
<bco__cst_tax_id />
<bco__cst_cxa_key />
<bco__cst_no_email_flag />
<bco__cst_cxa_billing_key />
<bco__cst_eml_address_dn />
<bco__cst_eml_key />
<bco__cst_no_phone_flag />
<bco__cst_phn_number_complete_dn />
<bco__cst_cph_key />
<bco__cst_no_fax_flag />
<bco__cst_fax_number_complete_dn />
<bco__cst_cfx_key />
<bco__cst_ixo_key />
<bco__cst_no_web_flag />
<bco__cst_oldid />
<bco__cst_member_flag />
<bco__cst_url_code_dn />
<bco__cst_parent_cst_key />
<bco__cst_url_key />
<bco__cst_no_msg_flag />
<bco__cst_msg_handle_dn />
<bco__cst_web_login />
<bco__cst_web_password />
<bco__cst_entity_key />
<bco__cst_msg_key />
<bco__cst_no_mail_flag />
<bco__cst_web_start_date />
<bco__cst_web_end_date />
<bco__cst_web_force_password_change />
<bco__cst_web_login_disabled_flag />
<bco__cst_comment />
<bco__cst_credit_hold_flag />
<bco__cst_credit_hold_reason />
<bco__cst_web_forgot_password_status />
<bco__cst_old_cxa_key />
<bco__cst_last_email_date />
<bco__cst_no_publish_flag />
<bco__cst_sin_key />
<bco__cst_ttl_key />
<bco__cst_jfn_key />
<bco__cst_cur_key />
<bco__cst_attribute_1 />
<bco__cst_attribute_2 />
<ord_key />
<ord_cst_key />
<ord_frequency />
<ord_ptr_key />
<ord_last_bill_date />
<ord_proforma />
<ord_type />
<ord_pin_key />
<ord_num_of_installments />
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<Fund_Code xsi:nil="true" />
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<BillToCustomer xsi:nil="true" />
<BillToIndividual xsi:nil="true" />
<InstallmentBilling xsi:nil="true" />
<Company-Business_Unit xsi:nil="true" />
<Credit_Available xsi:nil="true" />
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<Claim xsi:nil="true" />
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<Billing_Address xsi:nil="true" />
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<BillToCustomer xsi:nil="true" />
<BillToIndividual xsi:nil="true" />
<InstallmentBilling xsi:nil="true" />
<Company-Business_Unit xsi:nil="true" />
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<Additional_Invoice_DetailCollection xsi:nil="true" />


<s:element name="CentralizedOrderEntry" type="tns:CentralizedOrderEntryType" />
<s:complexType name="CentralizedOrderEntryType">
<s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="CurrentKey" nillable="true" type="tns:av_key_Type">
<s:documentation>Invoice Key.The current key is the record key for the object. This field must be set whenever updating an existing database record.</s:documentation>
<s:element name="Invoice" type="tns:CentralizedOrderEntry_Invoice_DataObjectType" />
<s:element name="Invoice_Detail" type="tns:CentralizedOrderEntry_Invoice_Detail_DataObjectType" />
<s:element name="Claim" type="tns:CentralizedOrderEntry_Claim_DataObjectType" />
<s:element name="Default_Shipping_Address" type="tns:CentralizedOrderEntry_Default_Shipping_Address_DataObjectType" />
<s:element name="Payment" type="tns:CentralizedOrderEntry_Payment_DataObjectType" />
<s:element name="Payment_Info" type="tns:CentralizedOrderEntry_Payment_Info_DataObjectType" />
<s:element name="Payment_Method" type="tns:CentralizedOrderEntry_Payment_Method_DataObjectType" />
<s:element name="Customer" type="tns:CentralizedOrderEntry_Customer_DataObjectType" />
<s:element name="Billing_Address" type="tns:CentralizedOrderEntry_Billing_Address_DataObjectType" />
<s:element name="Billing_Adr" type="tns:CentralizedOrderEntry_Billing_Adr_DataObjectType" />
<s:element name="Price" type="tns:CentralizedOrderEntry_Price_DataObjectType" />
<s:element name="Batch" type="tns:CentralizedOrderEntry_Batch_DataObjectType" />
<s:element name="BillToCustomer" type="tns:CentralizedOrderEntry_BillToCustomer_DataObjectType" />
<s:element name="BillToIndividual" type="tns:CentralizedOrderEntry_BillToIndividual_DataObjectType" />
<s:element name="InstallmentBilling" type="tns:CentralizedOrderEntry_InstallmentBilling_DataObjectType" />
<s:element name="Company-Business_Unit" type="tns:CentralizedOrderEntry_Company-Business_Unit_DataObjectType" />
<s:element name="Credit_Available" type="tns:CentralizedOrderEntry_Credit_Available_DataObjectType" />
<s:element name="source_code" type="tns:CentralizedOrderEntry_source_code_DataObjectType" />
<s:element name="Invoice_DetailCollection" type="tns:Invoice_DetailCollectionType" />
<s:element name="Additional_Invoice_DetailCollection" type="tns:Additional_Invoice_DetailCollectionType" />
<s:element name="Invoice_DetailCollection" type="tns:Invoice_DetailCollectionType" />
<s:element name="Additional_Invoice_DetailCollection" type="tns:Additional_Invoice_DetailCollectionType" />
<s:element name="MembershipCollection" type="tns:MembershipCollectionType" />
<s:element name="RegistrantCollection" type="tns:RegistrantCollectionType" />
<s:element name="Group_RegistrantionCollection" type="tns:Group_RegistrantionCollectionType" />
<s:element name="GiftCollection" type="tns:GiftCollectionType" />
<s:element name="InvoiceToPayCollection" type="tns:InvoiceToPayCollectionType" />
<s:element name="ExhibitorCollection" type="tns:ExhibitorCollectionType" />