XWeb Build


The netFORUM system of which xWeb is the API has an annual release cycle since 2007 (prior to that releases were more frequent), with each release named after the calendar year (see Build for more).

The build of the particular netFORUM site you are integrating with is critical, as certain features or methods may have released in one build but are not present in an earlier build. This can result in challenges if your code base that connects to netFORUM is working with multiple clients on various builds. In some cases the method and its schema may be identical from one release to the next, but there may be slight differences in how the method works from one version to the next.

The schema of xWeb Types may change from one build to the next. In most cases, the change will be the addition of additional elements representing new or expanded features or data. Generally, those additional elements will have the minOccurs=0 indicator to ensure backwards compatibility with older integrations, but allow new integrations to interact with the new features.

To determine the build of a netFORUM site, you can call the GetVersion web method.

The page documenting each web method contains the first build for which the method was released. For example, if the method was released in the 2008 release, then by definition it will also be in any subsequent releases (2009, 2010, 2011, etc.) unless otherwise stated.