CodexWeb Event Registration Add New Session Registration

This page outlines how you can add one or more session registrations to an existing event registrant in xWeb. This might occur if a person has already registered and they come back later to a website to add more sessions. In the Code section is a Visual Studio .NET C# code sample illustrating the flow. Please be aware that although this code sample worked successfully, in a production application you should have error handling, etc.

The sequence of methods you will call is almost identical to the flow described in xWeb Event Registration. The major differences are:


// properties object containing settings for xWeb Username and Password
// this is for illustrative purposes; you might have a different way for storing these settings.
var props = Properties.Settings.Default;
// instantiate web reference
var xWeb = new netForumXML();
// Authenticate
xWeb.Authenticate(props.username, props.pwd);
// Create a new shopping cart object
CentralizedOrderEntryType cart = new CentralizedOrderEntryType();
// Load a blank shopping cart by passing the Customer key of the shopper (typically the registrant):
cart = xWeb.WEBCentralizedShoppingCartGetNew(new Guid("21F1093B-FD6A-4D7F-9DC2-86CDACCE3171"));
EventsRegistrantType reg = new EventsRegistrantType();
// Load the registrant by passing the exising reg_key
reg = xWeb.WEBCentralizedShoppingCartEventRegistrantGet(new Guid("a3ffb9d7-621e-4752-99b6-6365302dca99"));
// Add any new Session Fees. The GUIDs relate are the prc_key for a particular Session Fee
List<Guid> feeGuids = new List<Guid>();
feeGuids.Add(new Guid("922DF215-9448-45F7-82BF-D988999FEC2E")); // first session
feeGuids.Add(new Guid("248EF7EA-CB21-4F07-8E0B-830D27EC946D")); // second session; you could keep adding more...
// Fees Collection
Fee[] fees = new Fee[feeGuids.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < feeGuids.Count; i++)
Fee eventFee = new Fee();
eventFee.prc_key = feeGuids[i];
eventFee.action = FeeAction.Add;
eventFee.qty = 1;
eventFee.overrideamount = 0;
fees[i] = eventFee;
// Set the line items. Do not worry about what the registrant already paid for in the past,
// you just need the NEW fees for the sessions to be added
reg = xWeb.WEBCentralizedShoppingCartEventRegistrantSetLineItems(reg, fees);
// The next lines illustrate that you need to set the rgs_cancel_qty to "0" for any
// registrant session(s) in your collection.
for (int i = 0; i < reg.Registrant_SessionCollection.Count(); i++)
var ses = reg.Registrant_SessionCollection[i];
ses.ev_registration_session.rgs_cancel_qty = "0";
reg.Registrant_SessionCollection[i] = ses;
// Add the Registrant object to the Cart
cart = xWeb.WEBCentralizedShoppingCartAddEventRegistrant(cart, reg);
// Set payment information
cart.Payment_Info.pin_cc_cardholder_name = "First M. Last";
cart.Payment_Info.pin_cc_number = "4111111111111111";
cart.Payment_Info.pin_cc_expire = "2011/12"; // Correct format is yyyy/mm
cart.Payment_Info.pin_apm_key = "E3065977-EA16-44B9-9B4F-407150B5C2C1"; // AMEX, Visa, etc.
cart.Payment_Info.pin_check_amount = cart.Invoice.inv_nettotal;
cart.Payment_Info.pin_check_amountSpecified = true;
cart.Invoice.inv_autoapply = 1;
cart.Invoice.inv_autoapplypayment = 1;
// Insert the Cart and payment
cart = xWeb.WEBCentralizedShoppingCartInsert(cart);


See xWeb Event Registration Add New Session Registration Request for the request that is generated by the Code for the final WEBCentralizedShoppingCartInsert method.