xWeb: eCommerce Scenarios

Q: Does xWeb have a Shopping Cart web method?

A: Yes. xWeb contains several dozen web methods geared toward eCommerce. See any method that starts with WEBCentralizedShoppingCart. There are methods to get products and prices, and methods to add, remove, and update cart items, and a method (WEBCentralizedShoppingCartInsert) to insert an order.

Q: Do you have any best practices for xWeb eCommerce?

A: Yes, see xWeb: Train#An_intro_to_ecommerce_and_xPath as well as the #SDK.

Q: How can I pay off an open invoice?

A: See WEBCentralizedShoppingCartMembershipOpenInvoiceGet. This method will work with any open invoice.

Q: My external system will be charging the credit card, but I still want to add those transactions in netFORUM. How can I do this without charging the credit card twice?

A: Create a special payment method for these types of payments. See WEBCentralizedShoppingCartInsert#Inserting_Order_with_external_electronic_payment for details.


Q. Does Abila have a software development kit (SDK) for eCommerce?

A. Yes, we have a C# .NET SDK: xWeb eCommerce SDK that contains examples of using many of the shopping web methods.

See Also