Check Address
To open this page click Add Address button on the Addresses tab Check Address table or click an existing Address Code in the Check Address table.
This page assumes that you have all applicable Accounts Payable access rights.
Address Code: Select a check address code from the drop-down list, or enter a new check address code for this vendor ID. The drop-down list displays all of the address codes that have already been entered for this vendor ID, their description, status and which one is preferred.
Description: Enter a description for the check address.
Status: Specify the status of the check address code. When creating a new code, accept the default status, A (Active), or select I (Inactive) or D (Discontinued), from the drop-down list. The status can be changed at any time. Discontinued is not available for selection on the Transactions>Accounts Payable>Enter AP Invoices form.
Preferred: Specify the preference of the check address code. When creating a new code, accept the default preference, No, or select Yes from the drop-down list. The Preferred field can be changed at any time. However, only one address can be marked as a Preferred Check address for the Vendor ID; when changed this will override every other selection.
Same As: If the check address is the same as or similar to another address that was entered, select that address type from the drop-down list (None, Main, or PO). The system then displays that address for you to accept or edit.
Address, City, State/Province, Postal Code, Country: Enter the street address, city, state or province, postal code, and country. This will be displayed on checks.
Phone, FAX: Enter a voice telephone number and fax number.
Contact Person
- Title, First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name, Position, Email Address: Enter the contact name for this vendor ID. Also include the title, such as Mr. or Ms., along with the job position or level, and email address.
Cancel: Click this button to close the form without saving.
Delete: Click this button to delete the currently loaded check address information. This button is disabled is a check address has saved activity.
Save: Click this button to save the check address information.