Aged Receivables | GL Code

The GL Code: Accounts Receivables - State screen displays when you click on the GL Code in the Codes grid on the Aged Receivables page. It displays the customers for the selected GL Code.


Invoice Due Date From: Displays the invoice due date from for the aged period.

Invoice Due Date Through: Displays the invoice due date through for the aged period.

Aging Period: Displays the selected aging period.

Invoice Count: Displays the invoice count for the aged period.

Credit Memo Count: Displays the credit memo count for the aged period.


To search for a specific customer, enter the customer ID or name into the search box at the upper left of the table.

Customer ID: The ID assigned to the customer. Click an ID to display the Aged Receivables | GL Code | Customer chart.

Customer Name: The name assigned to the customer.

Balance: The payable balance for the selected aged period.

Aged Receivables - GL Code

The system displays a snapshot of the aged receivables for the selected GL Code:

Customer Count: The number of customer for the selected GL code.

Customer Total: The total amount of aged receivables for the selected GL code.