Payroll Other Taxes

Use this form to set up tax codes for the localities in which your employees are subject to tax, as well as most State Disability Insurance (SDI), and Temporary Disability Insurance (TDI) withholding and expensing formulas. In each section, specify how to calculate and account for these other taxes. Additionally, you can specify how to distribute the Employer tax (if any).

Make your way down the form, filling in all required fields.


Click a dropdown link below to learn more about the fields in each section of the form.

Note: The calculation of federal tax FIT and MC are provided by the system; the official values for FUTA, FICA, and SS are also provided but can be manually maintained if mid-year adjustments occur before a normal software update. The earning, benefit, and deduction amounts that are flagged as subject to the specified federal tax are used in the calculation of the tax.


When you are finished making your changes, click .


More information on calculating other taxes, and examples with calculation methods

See Other Taxes Rate Tables for examples on calculation methods available in "Other Taxes", or visit Payroll Calculating Other Withholding Taxes for a breakdown on how withholding taxes are calculated using the information in the system.

For information on calculating taxes for Mississippi, Marianas Protectorate, Massachusetts, Republic of Marshall Islands, and Republic of Palau, see Miscellaneous State Taxes.