Setting Up Multifactor Authentication

Multifactor authentication (MFA) is an authentication method that requires two or more verification factors to gain access to a resource, such as an online account. You may also see multifactor authentication referred to as "OTP" (one-time passcode), or 2FA (two-factor authentication). It adds a layer of protection to the sign-in process.

For troubleshooting and frequently asked questions, click here or scroll down to the bottom of this page.

Note: A current, valid email address is required to set up MFA. To confirm or update your email address, follow the steps outlined here, or go to the FAQ section at the bottom of this page.


Follow the steps below to set up multifactor authentication.

If you already have an authenticator app, proceed to step 2.

If you do not have an authenticator app, start with step 1 below.

Note: You only need to set up multifactor authentication once. After you've set it up, each time you log in to the service, you will only be prompted to enter the six digit passcode from your authenticator app (see step 6).


1. Download an authenticator app

Authenticator apps generate a one-time code (typically six digits) to confirm that it's you signing in to a website. You can choose from a variety of free-to-use authenticator apps. Install an authenticator app on your phone (or other mobile device) to proceed.

Note: Currently supported authenticator apps are Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, LastPass Authenticator, Okta Verify, and Duo Mobile. You can download any of these from your mobile device's app store (Google Play for Android devices, and App Store for Apple devices). All of these options are free.


This is an example of a typical authenticator app interface. You can add multiple accounts to your authenticator app to use with other services. This example shows the Google Authenticator interface for setting up a new account to use with multifactor authentication.


2. Log in to your Community Brands product

Log in to the service.

Note: A current, valid email address is required to set up MFA. To confirm or update your email address, follow the steps outlined here, or go to the FAQ section at the bottom of this page.

If this is your first time logging in with multifactor authentication enabled, we will send you an email with a link to set up multifactor authentication.

You will only need to do this step once, the first time you log in.


A screenshot of the email we will send you to set up multifactor authentication.


Click the link in the email to continue with setup.


3. Create security questions

After you click the link in the setup email, you will be prompted to create three security questions. These will be used to verify your identity if you cannot remember your login information.


Create a minimum of three security questions and answers.


4. Use your authenticator app to scan the QR code (or enter the manual code)

After you've entered your security questions and answers, the next page will display a QR code to scan.


Open your authenticator app on your mobile device and scan the QR code.


Scan the QR code with your authenticator app on your mobile device, or enter the manual code.


Note: If you are using a remote app launch from your desktop, you will receive this QR code in an email when you click "Send me a setup email" during login. For remote app users, enter the "Authenticator Manual Code" into your authenticator app.


Scanning the QR code will add your login email as an account on your authenticator app. You can use this same account to log in to any Community Brands services that require multifactor authentication.

We recommend saving the recovery code in a safe place. If you cannot access your account, this recovery code will allow you to recover your account.


5. Generate your one-time passcode (OTP)

Once your account is added to your authenticator app, the app will provide you with a six digit passcode. Use this passcode to log in to our service.


6. Enter the passcode from your authenticator app on the Community Brands login page

Enter the six digit passcode on the login page to log in to the service.

For future log ins, you do not have to scan the QR code. Your authenticator app will store the information for our service. When you log in, you will only need to enter the six digit passcode provided by the authenticator app. Open the authenticator app on your mobile device and your account information will be displayed.



Troubleshooting and FAQs