Void Checks Session Form

Access this form by clicking the Start button (for a new session) or the Open button (for an existing session) on the Void Checks Form.

Starting or opening a session displays the document transactions associated with the session. Use this form to create, review, update, and\or delete receipt transactions.

This page assumes that you have all applicable General Ledger access rights.

To return to the Cash Receipts Form, click the Void Checks Form link on the title bar.

Form Format

The Void Checks session form has four sections described below.

Sessions Queue Toggle

These two selection are available to toggle between as you work in the Void Checks Session form.

Posted Checks & Vouchers: This is the initial screen that displays in the Void Checks Session form.

Reverse Invoices: This screen displays after selecting available posted checks and vouchers in the Posted Checks & Vouchers table and then click Next into the screen.

Session Information

The Session Information section of the form includes the following information.

Session Name: Lists the session name.

Note: Click the session name on the title bar to bring up the Session Information Form to make changes to session information.

Session Name: Lists the session name.

Session Date: Lists the session date.

Session Description: Lists the session description.

Session Status: List the session status: Batch to Suspend or Batch to Post.

Totals: Lists the session total dollar amount.

Posted Checks & Vouchers

The Posted Checks & Vouchers table lists the number of records available for the Void Checks session.

List Records: Select how many items per page to display using the drop-down list. You can view items in the table in increments of 10, 20, 50, or 100.

Select: Click the Select check box to select posted checks and vouchers to include in the session. Click the Select check box located in the title bar of the Posted Checks & Vouchers table to select all available posted checks and vouchers. Click Next at the bottom of the form to proceed to the Reverse Invoices screen.

Document: Lists the document number.

GL Code: Lists the General Ledger code.

Vendor ID: Lists the vendor ID.

Date: Lists the check date.

Amount: Lists the check amount.

EFT: Displays Yes for a voucher paid electronically using EFT for the AP module; otherwise, displays No.

Session ID: Lists the session ID.

Transaction Code Source: Lists the transaction code source.

Payee: Lists the payee name.

Invoices Available to Reverse

The Invoices Available to Reverse table lists the number of records available to reverse.

Note: Refer to the criteria listed to the right of the Void Checks Session form.

Select All: Click to select all the invoices available to reverse.

Check #: Lists the check number. The related invoice ID is listed below the check number. Click the check box to select the invoice to reverse.

Document Date: Lists the document date.

Description: Lists the invoice information.

Amount: Lists the check amount.

Invoices Not Available to Reverse

Note: Refer to the criteria restriction listed to the right of the Void Checks Session form.

The Invoices Not Available to Reverse table lists the number of records not available to reverse.

Check #: Lists the check number. The reverse restriction is listed below the check number.

Document Date: Lists the document date.

Amount: Lists the check amount.


Void Check Count | Void Check Total | Reverse Invoice Total: Tracks the total number of voided checks selected with the total dollar amount.



Cancel: Click this button to clear the Void Checks Session form and return to the Void Checks form.

Next /Finish - Click this button to progress through or complete the Void Check process. There are two variations of this button's functionality:

  • Next - Progresses from the Posted Checks & Vouchers screen to the Reverse Invoices screen.
  • Finish - Completes the Void Checks process in the Reverse Invoices screen.

Previous: Click this button to return to the Posted Checks & Vouchers screen from the Reverse Invoices screen.

Reset Grid: The Reset Grid button will reset the specific table to its default order. See the Tips and Shortcuts page for more information on reorganizing grids.