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Process Manager Window

Create Custom Link

Access this form using Navigator View>Process Manager window>Favorites tab.

From the Favorites tab, right-click on the Favorites folder, and then select Create Custom Link to create a link to related applications and documents (such as a website, Word document, or PDF), which were previously created. This allows you to easily open any shortcuts from the Favorites tab. The system displays the program icon associated with the link. You can drag and drop these links into folders to include them in your processes.

When you double-click your custom link, the application is launched and the file opened.


Name: Enter the custom link name.

File: Select the link that you previously created. You can browse to find the link.

  • You can copy custom links created by other users using the Import Public Folders feature.
  • If you create a link to a mapped drive, and other users do not have access to that mapped drive, the link will not be available to them. Likewise, you may not be able to access a custom link because of an invalid path or no security rights to a server.