Import Public Folders

Access this form using Navigator View>Process Manager window>Favorites tab.

From the Favorites tab, right-click on a Favorites folder or the white space below the folders, and then select Import Public Folder to copy custom folders created by other users and paste them into your Favorites tab. You can rename or modify this imported folder without effecting the public folder from which it was copied. Another user must have chosen to "Publish Public Folder" in order to import a folder.

To remove an imported folder, right-click on the folder and select, Delete Public Folder. If the user who published the folder deletes their copy, it will not delete your copy of the folder.

If a folder is updated, it must be published and imported again. The folder cannot be imported with the same name.


Folder to Import: Select the folder to import. The drop-down list displays a list of the public folders you have published and the properties of each folder.