Using Public Folders

Public folders allow you to share Favorite folders with other users. You must follow these steps to share a public folder:

  1. Publish Public Folder - Right-click on the Favorites folder you would like to share. Each user must choose Import Public Folder to see the folder. If a folder is updated and you want to share the changes, you must publish it again, and the other users must import again. Note that the folder cannot be re-published with the same name. And, only the person who created the public folder can publish it.
  2. Import Public Folder - Right-click on a Favorites folder or in white space below the folders to import. The system copies it into your Favorites folder. The drop-down list displays the properties of the folder. You can rename or modify this imported folder without effecting the public folder from which it was copied.
  3. Delete Public Folder - Right-click on the Favorites folder to delete Favorites folders that have been previously imported. The drop-down list displays the properties of the folder. You can only delete public folders that you have created. Consequently, you can rename, modify, or delete an imported folder without effecting the public folder from which it was copied.

Note that you may not be able to use an item in a public folder, if you do not have security rights to it.