How Do I Print and Email Customer Calculated Invoices?

The following is a checklist for printing and emailing the calculated invoices for each customer within the selected billing group:

Note: Refer to the Processing Accounts Receivable Billing checklist to process invoices and produce customer statements.
Refer to the Setting Up Customer to Receive Emailed Invoices/Statements checklist to set up SMTP email, create a default email template for invoices and statements, and select the option for customers to receive emailed invoices and/or customer statements.

  1. On the Activities>Accounts Receivable>Print/Email Calculated Invoices form, select the Calculation ID, the sort option, and whether to print all the invoices or only the unprinted invoices.
    • If you have elected to email A/R Invoices, we recommend clicking the Send Test Email button to test the connectivity with the server and that SMTP will work with the system to email invoices. (The addresses entered on the Organization>Organization Information>Email Setup tab will be used when this button is clicked; to test that your connection is set up correctly.)
  2. Click Start, to continue the print process.
  3. The Print: Load Invoices form displays. Complete the invoice information, and then click OK to print the invoices.
  4. Once all invoices are printed correctly, click the Finish button to complete the printing of invoices.
  5. The Email: Load Invoices form displays, if you have Customers with the Email Invoice option selected. Complete the invoice information and then click OK to create the invoices.
  6. Click Finish to complete the Processing that creates the invoices as attachments.
  7. The Email Preview form displays. Double-click each row to preview the invoice for each customer. Click the at the top-right of the PDF to close the document.
  8. Once you have previewed the invoices, click Send to begin generating and sending the email attachments. This is when the system attaches the customer invoice to the A/R Invoices Email Template (Maintain>Email Templates) and sends it to the appropriate customer’s email address entered on the Maintain>Accounts Receivable>Customers>Email Tab.
  9. After the system completes sending the invoices and records the information in the charge register, you must click the Finish button to close the Processing form.