How Do I Print and Email Customer Statements?

The following is a checklist for printing and emailing a summary of activity for customers over a selected time period:

Note: Refer to the Processing Accounts Receivable Billing checklist to process invoices and produce customer statements.
Refer to the Setting Up Customer to Receive Emailed Invoices/Statements checklist to set up SMTP email, create a default email template for invoices and statements, and select the option for customers to receive emailed invoices and/or customer statements.

  1. On the Activities>Accounts Receivable>Customer Statement form, complete your selections on the Setup and Filter tabs and click the Save Button.
  2. Select the Statement Name again, and click Print/Email .
  3. On the Print:Load Statements form, enter a Statement Number and click OK.
  4. Once all statements are printed, click the Finish button to complete the printing of customer statements. If you have Customers with the Email Statement option selected, the system will also creates those statements as attachments.
  5. The Email Preview form displays. Double-click on each row to preview the statement for each customer. Click the at the top-right of the PDF to close the document.
  6. Once you have previewed the customer statements, click Send to being generating and sending the email attachments.
  7. After the system completes sending the customer statements, you must click the Finish button to close the Processing form.

Note: For help setting up SMTP, see Configuring SMTP.