Organization Setup
What is the difference between the available segment types?
The G/L segment is the only requirement segment in every organization. The G/L segment is used to classify the assets, liabilities, net assets, and revenue and expenditure items. The Fund type segment is optional but if selected there may only be one fund type segment. All entries are required to balance by fund and you can report on each fund as a separate entity. Balancing segments are also optional and you may have as many balancing segments as your reporting needs dictate. Balancing segments require that all entries balance within the balancing segment code and you may also report on each balancing segment code as a separate entity. Non-balancing segments are available if you need only track and report on revenue and expenditure type transactions.
How do I close a month?
You can prohibit users from entering information for a certain month using the Organization>Organization Preferences>Entry Dates tab. For example, if you do not want users to enter anything for the month of November, enter 12/1/20xx in the Prohibit Prior To column on the Entry Dates tab.