How Do I Create a Purchase Order?

You can create purchase orders that are Receiving or Skip Receiving type and can be with or without encumbrances. This checklist creates a Receiving/Skip-Receiving purchase order without encumbrances; if generating encumbrance entries from a purchase order, refer to the Creating a Purchase Order with Encumbrances checklist. You may also want to review the Setting Up Purchase Orders and Including a Requisition in a Purchase Order checklists.

  1. Open the purchase order (Activities>Purchase Orders>Create/Modify Purchase Orders), and then complete the following tabs:
    • PO Information tab - Specify purchase order information, such as the number and description and whether or not to Skip-Receiving. (Initially the purchase order is set up with a status of In Process.)
    • Item Detail tab - Enter the items to include in the purchase order.
  2. Select a Status of Ready to Print (on the PO Information tab), when the purchase order is complete.
  3. Click Print . (You can print the current purchase order or all purchase orders.)
  4. Complete the Load Purchase Orders form. (Make note of the purchase order number assigned here. You will need to select this number to reprint or modify the purchase order.)
  5. Click OK to print the purchase order.
  6. A message displays asking if the purchase order printed correctly.
    • If you click Yes, a purchase order is created with the number assigned on the Load Purchase Orders form. Then, the Create/Modify Purchase Orders form appears so you can begin entering another purchase order.
    • If you click No, the Unprinted or Damaged Purchase Orders form displays. You can then select the purchase order to reprint. The system will not create a purchase order until you have answered Yes to this message.
  7. To track a purchase order through the entire process, use the Reports>Purchase Orders>Purchase Order Register and Purchase Order Tracking reports.
  8. If needed, use Activities>Purchase Orders>Void Purchase Orders to void an existing purchase order.