New documentation structure

We have added four new sections to our endpoint document: Template, Pagination List, CRUD Operations, and Lookups.

Sections Description
Template This section contains the templates.
Pagination List This section contains the pagination lists available for the feature.
CRUD Operations This section contains the Create, Read, Update and Delete operations.
Lookups This section contains the lookups enabled for the feature.
New section in documentation: Lookups

This new section contains all enabled lookups for the feature. These lookups are typically designated in the product as a dropdown list option.


How to read a validation error message

Each error message has two parts: the field path where the error is located (indicated by the '>' symbol), and the corresponding error message(s). See below for an example of an invalid email address error.

Flag Validators

For Flag Validators you will receive an error message if you do not include a required field in your request, or if you enter a field that is read-only.

Flag Description
read-only or disabled This means that this field should not be included in the request body or json payload.
required This means that this field should be included in the request body or json payload.
flag-validator-error conditioned-flag-validator
Lookup Validators

For Lookup Validators you will receive an error message if you enter an invalid value. You can use the corresponding lookup for examples of possible values for the field.


Go to the corresponding lookup in the corresponding feature and use the resource to find and use a valid value. For instance, in the image above we have to use ./DistributionCodeIds lookup for vendors to display all valid values for the distributionCodeId field. The image below displays the valid values for the distributionCodeId field.


Improved field names

To improve usability, we have renamed some fields to make them more descriptive.

Feature Old Name New Name
Transactions> Apply Distribution Code description lineDescription