
The Column definition defines the properties of each database column in netFORUM.

Generally, netFORUM uses a two-tier inheritance model for columns. Anytime a field/column is expressed in netFORUM, netFORUM goes to the Column definition to get the basic properties. On a case-by-case basis, however, the default column definition can be overridden or expanded in the following places:

For example, if you define a DropDownList definition at the column level, you will not need to re-define it if that column is used on a Form. If, however, you want to override the default drop-down list definition on a form, you may do so.

As a best practice, try to set global default properties at the column level so it will apply universally in netFORUM, instead of setting values for the column on each and every Form Control, Search Control, or List Table Column.

Finding Columns

You can navigate to a Column from the Admin module or enter the column name (e.g. adr_state) in the Super Search.


Create Column Button

You can add a column directly from netFORUM by simply using the Column page to add a column to an existing table. After saving the Column, you will have added a new row to the Column table md_column in netFORUM, but that column won't exist yet in the actual database. Once you've saved the column and the page refreshes, click the Create Column button to add the column to the database.

Tips and considerations:


Fields in netFORUM

The Column, Data type, Control Class, Form control and Search Control work together in netFORUM to put rules around a field, from the way it looks, to its properties and attributes, to how it stores data in the database, and to where it appears in netFORUM.

  • The Column defines the basic properties and behaviors of a database column. A Column has a Data Type and (generally) a Control Class.
  • The Data type defines whether the column's data is a date, number, currency, text, etc.
  • The Control Class is how the column looks visually on a web page: it is a checkbox, DropDownList, date, etc.?
  • The Form Control is a specific instance of a column on a specific Form, and the Search Control is a specific instance of a column on a Find page.

DropDownList Controls

The six settings below are for DropDownList columns: