User Roles

User Roles are most often based on the user's job responsibilities (e.g., Events Manager or Membership Manager). After a role is set up, the items that appear in the Actions list change to reflect the assigned role. Once set, the role is in effect for all of the netFORUM modules for a user.

Roles are managed from the Roles drop-down list on the netFORUM User Role window. To open the netFORUM User Role window, click the roles link at the top of the screen.

Adding User Roles

To set up a user role:

  1. Click the Administration module
  2. On the group items bar, click role setup> add role to add a new user role.
  3. In the Add Roles window, enter a name and description for the role.
  4. After you create the role, you must add permissions to the role. This can be done from the Role Profile.

Adding User Permissions to a Role

To add user permissions to a Role:
  1. From the Role Profile, click Manage Persona Links.
  2. Select the check boxes for the links that should show for the users in that role.

    The screen shot, below, shows that the users in the Membership Manager role will see the CRM Overview, Customer Request Setup, Customer Setup, Find Individual, and Add Individual links.

  3. Use expand and collapse buttons to add and remove permissions from Roles. Note that you may not remove the Overview from any role. Use the enable all button to enable all permissions and click the Save button to save.

Adding netFORUM Users to a Role

After you set-up the permissions that the users will see by user role, you can add users to that role.

To add users to a role:

1. From the Role Profile, on the related users child form, click add.

2. Select the user's name.

3. Click Save.

Managing User Roles

To view user roles:
  1. On the top of the screen, click the roles shortcut button.
  2. On the netFORUM User Role page, you can change the user role by selecting a new role from the Role drop-down list. When you select a new role, the appropriate roles display.
  3. Once you have selected a role, the permissions that have been defined for that role will display. Click OK if you want to use that role or select another role.
To select another user role or a custom list of permissions for a role:
  1. Instead of selecting a role, click the Manage Roles button to open the User Home Page.
  2. On the User Home Page, click My Roles.
  3. On the Roles Setup page, the user can select or clear the check boxes that determine which links the user will see.

    Note: By default, no check boxes are selected. Selecting all check boxes would enable all of the role links.

ThenetFORUM interface will change based upon the user role selected. For example, notice in the screen shot below that only those modules that have been granted permission in the Membership Management role described on this page are accessible in the module menu.

Roles can now be selected with a link that's available next to the user name in the top UI. If the user has roles associated, a select role link will show and hovering/clicking will show a list of roles the user is related to and they can quickly select a role to switch to.

Note: Once you have defined roles and added users to them, you must clear your cache for the select role hyperlink to appear as well as the user's new roles to appear. Admin module>Overview>Clear Cache.