The Mass Replace functionality allows you to replace a single value into a selected column across many records.
Example: Updating the records of individuals related to an organization that have a name or phone number change. Or replacing the Mister prefix with Mr.
Please note that the Mass Replace button will appear in the List Page Action Links only if it has been enabled in the Toolkit for that particular Group Item. The button will not appear if you perform a basic List; you must run a Find or Query to get a specific set of records. If you run a List and then you can use the Select Mode checkbox on the List Page to select the specific records you wish to mass replace. Once you choose the Select Mode checkbox, the Mass Replace icon becomes visible.
The Mass Replace icon is available on the list page for the following group items in CRM:
Administrators can configure Mass Replace so that only specified fields can be updated rather than every field as in the past. This adds more control to this powerful yet potentially dangerous (if not used carefully) feature of netFORUM. This is seen in the updated interface image below.
Note: This entire usage section has been updated with how to use the new Mass Replace functionality.
Important! The Mass Replace feature is a powerful tool and should be executed by users who are thoroughly familiar with its functionality and consequences.
To Use Mass Replace (using an Individual List as an example):
The fields available for replacing are configured on the Toolkit Form associated with the Mass Replace link.
To configure which fields are available, do the following:
If no fields are enabled for the Form, then all fields will be available for replacing.
Only writable fields in writable data objects will be available.
If you have Toolkit access, you can add a Mass Replace Group Item Link to other Group Items within other Modules. You will need to specify a FormKey that belongs to the main Object for which you want to run Search and Replace.
Some baseline Static Facade Objects are not compatible with the Mass Replace functionality, e.g. Membership. In this case a new Custom Dynamic Object and Form can be created. In this case, two links would need to be added; one for the Mass Replace and one for a Mass Replace Query. The reason for the special query is that the Mass Replace and the Query providing the data must share the same form. Be aware that taking this approach bypasses the Baseline Object and its functionality.
Beginning with 2013.01), you can also add more fields to replace from the baseline fields included in Mass Replace from the Dynamic Content Form Profile under the Content child forms.