Profile Tab

A Profile Tab is displayed below the Actions Bar on a Profile Page. The active Tab is shaded light gray with black font, while the inactive tabs are white with blue font. The Profile Tabs contain Child Forms that display the detailed information regarding the Profile.

To configure how many profile tabs your interface displays, click the down icon next to your user name at the top of the interface to expand the user preferences menu. Click the My Preferences hyperlink to open the My Preferences pop-up window. Administrators can also set this number by editing the user options in the Admin module.

Select the number of tabs you wish to display on the Number of tabs to display on profile pages drop-down list. You can select from one to five, with one being the default value.

Once the option has changed, you will see up to that number of tabs on the profile page.

If you select a tab from the overflow menu, the first five tabs will continue to display along with the additional selected tab.