Shipping Products in netFORUM enable you to designate shipping rates and regions that you can apply to other products in your inventory that you sell. For example, you might apply a flat rate or a percentage rate based upon the order for shipping charges or you might deliver only to the eastern United States for one product. However, before you can set-up and apply these shipping products and rates you must first make sure you have the shipping carriers set-up that you are going to use for your merchandise inventory such as UPS or FedEx. To set up the shipping carriers and regions that you plan to use for your organization's products, you use the Shipping Tab and child forms in Inventory Setup.
The first child form under the Shipping tab is the Shipping Carriers child form. Use the Shipping Carriers child form to specify which carriers your organization will use to ship your inventory to customers who purchase your products. For example, your organization can use three shipping carriers: UPS, FedEx, and the United States Postal Service (USPS).
To add Shipping Carriers and tracking URLs, use the following steps: