Cost packages allow you to track certain costs associated with Marketing initiatives or fundraising packages.
Setting up a cost package will allow it to be available in drop-down menus where cost packages can be chosen. There are two types of cost packages. The first allows you to specify a fixed price and have that fixed price applied each time the cost package is used. For the purposes of this documentation this type of cost package will be called a "Fixed" cost package.
The second type of cost package allows you to set up a cost package that has its price set manually each time it is used. For example, perhaps you have a cost package for shipping. The cost of shipping can vary based on weight and/or size of the item being shipped. You will need the flexibility of adding the actual shipping cost for that specific item each time the cost package is used. For the purposes of this documentation, this type of cost package will be called a "Variable" cost package.
To set up a new fixed cost package, complete the following steps:
This will open the Marketing Setup page.
This will open the Add - Cost Package pop-up window.
To set up a variable cost package, complete the following steps:
The actual cost for a variable cost package is done on the object where the cost package is used. For example, for a variable cost package used on a Call to Action, the cost will be set on the Call to Action.
To set the actual cost for a variable cost package, complete the following steps:
You will notice as you enter the number of recipients and the unit cost values, the total cost value is calculated for you.
This cost has now been associated to the selected Call to Action. You can use this cost package on another Call to Action and set a different cost if needed.
You can also set up a cost package from a Fundraising Package Code.
When creating (or editing) your Fundraising Package, enter a cost in the unit cost field.
After saving the Fundraising Package Code, this cost will not only be applied to this Fundraising Package Code, but will also be available in the cost package drop-downs available in netFORUM. You can also view the new cost package by viewing the Marketing Setup page.
To edit an existing cost package, complete the following steps:
This will open the Marketing Setup page.
This will open the Edit - Cost Package pop-up window.
The Edit - Cost Package window will close and the cost setup child form on the Marketing Setup page will refresh.