Membership Status Change Process

The Mass Membership Status Change Process is used to change the Member Status of members that have not paid for their renewals. The process provides filter criteria so that a subset of memberships could be updated at one time. The process also provides a report that can be reviewed before running the final update to change the status.

Typically, this process is run after the memberships expire, but before mass termination is run. This allows association to stop the benefits for non-paying members, but not necessarily terminate them.

Activity Diagram

List of Parameters

List of Parameters
Srl Parameter Name Reqd Usage and Comments
1 Member Type Yes Memberships of one or more Member Types or all of them could be selected for mass status change.
2 Member Status Yes Membership with one or more Member Status could be selected.
3 Compare Date Yes Membership records with following condition will be selected.Expiration Date + Grace Period < Drop DateNote: Grace Period is set for each Member Type.
4 New Membership Status Yes Status of selected records will be changed to this status.
5 Member Flag Action Yes None: Do not change Member Flag on CustomerSet: Turn on Member Flag on CustomerClear: Turn off Member Flag on CustomerNote: One of the action has to be chosen.
6 Status Change Date Yes Status Change Date to be stamped on the membership records.

Tables Updated

Tables updated
Srl Table Name Comments
1 mb_member_status change_process (mbc) Records are created based on filter criteria (parameters) in this staging table. Report is produced from this table and final update is done for membership records in this table.
2 mb_membership (mbr) Status Code and Status Change Date is updated in this table.
3 co_customer Member Flag is updated based on the action [parameter] chosen. Please see the comments for the parameter.

Process Details

As the records are processed from the staging table one by one, the membership record is updated as follows:

Update Customer table to update Member Flag based on parameter Member Flag Action.

Reports available with this process

Reports available
Srl Report Name Comments
1 Membership Status Change Process Report This report generated from staging table (mbc). It is intended for users to review the list of members whose status would change after Run Update.