Apply Discounts

Discounts and shipping charges can also be applied to orders.

  1. To apply a discount to an order, click the apply discounts icon.

    COE - Add Order Form with Apply Discounts Highlighted

    This will open the Add - Discount pop-up window.

  2. Click the search icon next to the discount field.

    The List - Price pop-up window will display showing the list of available discounts.

    Note: You can also enter search criteria in the discount field before clicking the search icon to narrow down your list of search results.

  3. Click the name of the discount you would like to apply.

    The Add - Discount window will update to show the discount you selected.

    Add - Discount Window Updated with Selected Discount

  4. Click the Ok button.

    The Centralized Order Entry - Merchandise | Add Products window will update and reflect the selected discount in the pricing area.

    Add Products Window with Discount Applied