Applying a Shipping Charge

To apply a shipping charge, use the following steps:

  1. Click the apply shipping icon located on the Centralized Order Entry - Merchandise | Add Products form.

    Apply Shipping Icon Highlighted on COE Form

    Note: The apply shipping icon will only be clickable if there are shippable products in the order.

    This will open the Add - Shipping form.

  2. Click the search icon to see a list of available shipping charges.

    This will open the List- Price pop-up window that displays a list of all of the available shipping charges.

    List of Available Shipping Rates
  3. Click the shipping charge you would like to apply to the shippable items in this order.

    The Add - Shipping form will update with the shipping information you selected.

  4. Click the Ok button.

    The Centralized Order Form - Merchandise | Add Product form will update to show the shipping costs in the totals.

    Add Product Form with Shipping Information Highlighted