Copy Security

This feature enables you to copy the Group security configuration from one group to another. You can copy the group security settings for content groups, items, and links from one group to another group. You can launch the Copy Group Security form through the Admin Overview page by clicking the Copy Group Security icon or by navigating to the Admin module > Group group item > Copy Security group item link.

To copy group security from one group to another:

  1. Open the Copy Group Security form and select the group from which you want to copy the group security configuration in the Select Copy From Group field.

  2. Select the group to which you want to apply the group security configuration in the Select Copy To Group field.

  3. Once you update the copy from and copy to options, click the Copy button.

  4. A confirmation pop-up displays, click the OK button to proceed or click the Cancel button to cancel the copying of Group security for the selected groups.

  5. Once the copying of security group completes, the system displays a pop-up as shown below. Click the OK button to close the window.

  6. Also, close the Copy Group Security form.