Add Task (Scheduler) Types

Add a Task Types when you want to add a new Task Type Name to the List of available Task Scheduler Types, most accessible when you Find Scheduled Task, or go to the Task Scheduler Dashboard in the Admin Module.

To add a Task Type, use the following steps:

  1. Go to Modules>Admin>Task Scheduler Type > Add Task Type. The Add - Task Type page opens.
  2. Fill in the fields for the first section as described in the table below:
    Field NameRequiredDescription
    task type nameRequiredEnter the name of the new task scheduler type. To avoid confusion, you can name the task type the same name as the Object Display Name (in most cases, this is the clearest way to associate the Task Type with the Object and avoid naming confusion).
    profile objectRequiredSet the Profile Object to be the object that defines the task and its run options. Simple tasks that require no special run options will use the generic TaskFacade object.
    edit formOptionalSet the Edit Form to be the Form you created in toolkit.
    profile formOptionalSet the Profile Form to be Task Scheduler Profile (unless you create your own profile page as described in #Task Profile Page).
    task timeoutOptionalEnter the number of seconds the task should run before timing out. Default is 0 which actually means unlimited.
    allow recurrence?OptionalIf the task can be recurring, be sure to check the “allow recurrence” checkbox. (As described in #Form you'll still need to design the form differently if the task can be recurring.)
    elevate permissions?OptionalTBD

  3. Fill in the fields for theParallel Processing (if available for this task type) section as described in the table below:

    Important! These settings are only available for the following task type: Installment Payments.
    If you select this setting for a task type that does not support parallel processing, the scheduled task will fail and generate an error message.

    Field NameRequiredDescription
    use parallel processing?Optional

    Select this check box to enable NetForum to use parallel processing when running this task type.

    Note: When running Installment Payments, this setting works in conjunction with the system option BatchPaymentsForProcessingInRecurringProcesses. If both are set to true (selected check box), then Installment Payments automatically revert to non-parallel processing and NetForum displays an error message in netForumStartTask-log.txt.

    minimum row count for parallel processing:Optional

    Enter the minimum number of database rows to be processed.

    Generally, if the row count is low, it is not worth enabling parallel processing. However, if you leave this field blank, or enter zero and select the use parallel processing check box, parallel processing will be used.

    maximum number of parallel threads:Optional

    Enter the maximum number of threads (processes) that the application can use to process the designated database rows. Can be any number in the range of 8-50.

    The higher this number, the fewer threads available for other processing on the same machine. That means that if you set this number high, you can slow down the rest of the system.

  4. Fill in the fields for the .NET Assembly And Type section as described in the table below:
    Field NameRequiredDescription
    assembly name:RequiredEnter the assembly that houses the task's processing class. Generally, this will be ScheduledTasks.
    class name:RequiredEnter the name of this task's processing class in the assembly.
    method name:RequiredEnter the name of the method in the class that will be executed when this task runs.
  5. Click the validate type button to ... TBD
  6. Click Save to save the new Task (Scheduler) Type and return to the previous page. Click Cancel to return to the previous page without saving your changes.