Edit Advertising Charge Profile

The Edit button allows you to edit and add advertising charge information.

To edit an Advertising Charge profile, use the following steps:

  1. Go to Modules>Advertising>Advertising Charge>Find, List, or Add Advertising Charge>Advertising Charge Profile>Edit button. The Edit-Advertising Charge Product page opens.
  2. Fill in the fields for the Product section as described in the table below:
    business unitRequiredThis drop-down will already be populated with your organization's acronym. If you manage more than one entity, select the entity this product will be sold under.
    projectOptionalSelect a project that was added when adding a business unit. You can search or query on this value later.
    product nameRequired

    The product name should be descriptive enough for your customers to understand what it is but short enough for Fulfillment Reports.

    product codeOptionalThe product code is often an abbreviated or short version of your product's name.
    start date OptionalSelect or enter the date that this price becomes valid.
    end dateOptionalSelect or enter the date that this price becomes invalid.
    product categoryOptionalSelect a category from the drop-down list.
    subcategoryOptionalSelect a subcategory from the drop-down list.
    descriptionOptionalEnter a description for the Advertising Charge.
    taxable flagOptionalIf your publication is taxable, select this check box. Please note that if you do not select this check box, NetForum will not allow any taxes at all to be applied to this product, not even deferrals. You are not determining how much tax is applied here, just that it can be applied in the future.
    allow partial shipmentsOptionalSelecting this checkbox will allow partial shipments of your inventory when needed. For example, if your organization sells encyclopedias and set A-F is available but not G-L, having this selected allows the shipment of set A-F while the rest are on backorder.
    orderOptionalEnter a number that determines the order this product appears in a list of products.
    email templateOptionalSelect an existing email template from the drop-down list. This is the template NetForum uses to send an email once the customer purchases the product.
    commodity codeOptionalSelect a commodity code from the drop-down box.
    out of stock override messageOptionalEnter a message for customers who order this product when it is out of stock.
    Send ViaOptionalSelect the delivery method for the advertising product. Choose between one and all of the following methods: mail, email, fax, microfiche, and web.
    download urlOptionalEnter the url where this product can be downloaded.
  3. Fill in the fields for the Web Integration section as described in the table below:
    Fields RequiredDescription
    sell onlineOptionalSelect this check box if you want your publication available for sale on your Web site.
    post to webOptional If you select sell online, select or enter the date you wish your item to appear online. Your item will appear on that date. and be removed on the date you specify in the remove date field.
    remove from webOptional If you select sell online, select or enter the date you wish your item to be removed from the web.
    thumbnailOptionalSelect an existing uploaded picture to be displayed online as a thumbnail image for this product. Or use the add icon to upload a new picture file.
    show as new untilOptional If you want a new icon next to your item, select or enter a date here. The new icon will remain beside your publication until the date specified.
    online informationOptionalUse html tags or the cute editor to format your online information about this product.
  4. Click the Save button to save your changes and return to the Advertising Charge Product Profile. Click the Delete button to delete the Advertising Charge Product. Click the Cancel button to return to the Advertising Charge Product Profile without saving your changes.