Add Advertising Contract

A contract records the terms of agreement for supplying advertising at a fixed price. Add a contract when you want to track a contract that has been established between the advertiser and your organization.

To add a Contract, use the following steps:

  1. Go to Modules>Advertising>Add Contract. The Add-Contract page opens.
  2. Fill in the fields for the Advertiser section as described in the table below:

    Enter the first few letters of the organization name and select your organization from the list of matches or click the look up button to search the List - Organization page. Once you select an advertiser, the organization information fills in the fields below.

    Note: The advertiser must be an organization and must already have an organization record in NetForum in order for the lookup feature to work. If no record exists, you must create the organization record before adding the advertiser.

    addressOptionalThe address field populates with the advertiser's primary address. If the advertiser has more than one address, you can select a different address from the drop-down list.
    phoneOptionalThe phone field populates with the advertiser's primary phone number. If the advertiser has more than one phone number, you can select a different phone number from the drop-down list.
    faxOptionalThe fax field populates with the advertiser's primary fax number. If the advertiser has more than one fax number, you can select a different fax number from the drop-down list.
    e-mailOptionalThe e-mail field populates with the advertiser's primary e-mail address. If the advertiser has more than one e-mail address, you can select a different e-mail address from the drop-down list.
  3. Fill in the fields for the Sales section as described in the table below:
    sellerOptionalEnter the first few letters of the individual's last name and select your seller from the list of matches or click the look up button to search the List - Customer page.
    statusOptionalSelect a contract status from the drop-down list.
  4. Fill in the fields for the Contract Details section as described in the table below:
    Fields RequiredDescription
    placementsRequiredEnter a number only for the number of placements for an ad.
    rate cardRequiredSelect an existing Rate Card from the drop-down list.
    agencyOptionalSelect an existing agency from the drop-down list.
    notesOptionalEnter any notes for the contract details.
  5. Fill in the fields for the Contract Term section as described in the table below:
    Fields RequiredDescription
    fromOptional Select or enter the date on which the contract becomes valid.
    throughOptional Select or enter the date of the last day that the contract is valid.
    date signedOptional Select or enter the date that the two parties signed the contract.
  6. Fill in the fields for the Bill to section as described in the table below:

    Fields Required Description
    contact Required Enter the first few letters of the customer's name and select your contact from the list of matches or click the look up button to search the List - Customer page.
    address Required The address field populates with the primary address for the contact for this advertiser. If this contact has more than one address, you can choose a different address from the drop-down list.
  7. Click the Save button to add your contract and go to the Contact Profile. Click the Cancel button to clear your changes.

Add – Contract Page Icons

You can see and use the following icons on the Add-Contract page:

Use this Icon To Perform this Action
edit icon to open an edit page for that field.
add icon to add a new record for that field.
look up icon to see a list of individuals, customers, or other appropriate person records select the record you want to return to the wizard. The fields are populated with the person's information.