Add or Edit Contract Statuses

Add contract statuses when you want to make certain advertisement contract statuses available for selection.

To add or edit a contract status, use the following steps:

  1. Modules>Advertising>Overview>Advertising Setup>Contract Tab>contract statuses child form.
    1. To add a new color, click the Add button. The Add-Advertising Color page opens.
    2. To edit an existing color, click the Edit button. The Edit-Advertising Color page opens.
  2. Fill in the required status field. Whatever value you add in the status field becomes available in the status drop-down list. Make sure your status is a friendly name by which you can easily identify the contract status.
  3. Click the Save button to save your changes and return to the Advertisement Setup page. The newly added or changed status is visible on the contract statuses child form and appears in the appropriate drop-down menus in the interface. Click the Cancel button to return to the Advertisement Setup without saving your changes.