Add Participation Code

Add a Participation Code before you assign a reviewer to questionnaires. A Participation Code is tied to a Participation Type, which allows you to categorize your questionnaires. Then you can grant reviewers access to the questionnaire categories using participation codes and participation types.

To add a Participation Code, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to Modules>COI>Participation Codes>Add Participation Code. The Add - Participation Code page opens.
  2. Complete the following fields in the Questionnaire Request Details section of the Add - Request page:
    Field Name Required?Description
    Participation Code Required Enter the name of the participation code that will be used to sort COI Requests. It is a good idea to use the prefix "COI" in the name as it will help you discern the codes created specifically for COI purposes as opposed to source codes created for other purposes in NetForum, such as marketing.
    Participation Type Optional Expand the Participation Type drop-down menu and select the participation type this code will be tied to. You must associate the new participation code to a participation type or it will not be available to be selected when adding a Request or a Reviewer.
    Start Date Optional Enter the date this participation code will first be available.
    End Date Optional Enter the date this participation code will no longer be available.
  3. Click the Save button. The Participation Code Profile page opens.